Honestly? you people are basing your opinion of pre-production photos that may very well be early photos for concept of the actual shots. You know not everything they show pre release end's up in the movie, everyone remember the skinned predator pictures from AVP-R? didn't get into film, The main chick on a 50 cal shooting shit? never got even seen past the trailer. And These super predators (which not all are black btw) are ment look like messed up predators. Roid rage preds if you will. and to me they look great. I can't help but feel the abomination that was avp-r slowly fade from my memory once this film comes out. this is what we deserve to get. not rubber faced ADI pieces of shit. and I don't know about you, but I'm gonna be in the theater opening day no matter what.
So here's to a bad ass new age for predator fans.