Even More Production Stills!

Started by Darkness, Jun 14, 2010, 09:54:24 PM

Even More Production Stills! (Read 21,896 times)



These are just photoshots. I think that we should watch the movie first because it might look different.

If it sucks than we can start to complain.....



PREDATORS: An Uwe Boll Production
Consider my faith in this project significantly damaged.



Theres always haters no matter what, There entitled to thier opinion. Me? Im gonna buy a huge tub of pop corn and sit back relax and see some new shit of my favourite E.T.



Honestly? you people are basing your opinion of pre-production photos that may very well be early photos for concept of the actual shots. You know not everything they show pre release end's up in the movie, everyone remember the skinned predator pictures from AVP-R? didn't get into film, The main chick on a 50 cal shooting shit? never got even seen past the trailer. And These super predators (which not all are black btw) are ment look like messed up predators. Roid rage preds if you will. and to me they look great. I can't help but feel the abomination that was avp-r slowly fade from my memory once this film comes out. this is what we deserve to get. not rubber faced ADI pieces of shit. and I don't know about you, but I'm gonna be in the theater opening day no matter what.

So here's to a bad ass new age for predator fans.



this looks awesome :) ofc take into consideration that its stills from the scenes so no effects added so itll look even better in the movie :D



dear god shutup you people act like babies who gives a f**k if the deghsine isnt perfect!!! you now if these desines were in the origanal movie, and they used the desine frum the first movie every1 would cumplain that they wernt the same still!!! you guys arnt complaining on how it realy looks u guys are complaining that its not ewtactly the same as the origanal


awesome goryness. I added this on youtube. youtube acc: arfhanisbest



All photos removed, oh well






Im so mad they removed the pics!! I got to see them right before they took them off but i wanted to write a blog about them. Owell!! I have to say some of the Preds do look a little cheesy but still cant wait to see the movie< i think overall its gonna be really awesome  :o

Gort Pred

Gort Pred

I know I'm seeing it. I'll be in the theater midnight showing for my dad (RIP) who got me into Predator when I was little. I missed out on seeing any of the Predator and Alien movies in theater so I can't say watching AVP and AVPR in theaters wasn't  a blast cause it was. Watching them after was not so great on DVD. But I'm really pumped to see this movie, AND the two new Alien movies



pretty good to me  ;)



just maybe everyone is just looking for a great design but with the old twist not some cheap shit with jawbones and tusks added on to their helmets and whats up with the armor how lame is that. look at all the cool shit pred.2 had these cant even compare! this movie is gonna be lame another fox letdown.fox will make money tho.because tru pred.fans will go see it and they no that so see u at the theater.


@aceproductions: Thanks for the clip the pics wouldn't load for me the other day even before they had been taken down. Good eye too on the new blades.



ahhh damn all pics were removed!!!

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