Predator Coming to Mortal Kombat X?

Started by Darkness, Feb 20, 2015, 05:05:10 PM

Predator Coming to Mortal Kombat X? (Read 54,243 times)


Official trailer has been released:

QuoteWarner Bros. has revealed new details about how Mortal Kombat X players will be able to download and play as Predator.

Predator comes packaged in the Predator bundle, which also includes three skins: Commando Johnny, Infrared Scorpion and Carl Weathers as Jax. These will be available tomorrow, July, 7 for those who have the Kombat Pack, or purchasable for $7.99 from Tuesday, July 14.

Anyone wishing to purchase Predator on his own will be able to do so from that date for $4.99, while the accompanying skins will also be available separately for $3.99.


I just saw a breakdown of the variations of the Predator. Surprisingly there are Yautja references there as well as there is an ability called Yautja Strike in the Warrior variation. So... we maybe getting both versions of the species in some way after all.

The Alien Predator

Nice to hear that, Rakai.

Also, for those of you interested, here's the Klassic Tower ending.


I want to make sure but the last scene in his ending, is he using an item to shoot that arc of magic or is he shooting it from his hand like a wizard?  :-\

The Alien Predator

Quote from: RakaiThwei on Jul 07, 2015, 11:49:58 AM
I want to make sure but the last scene in his ending, is he using an item to shoot that arc of magic or is he shooting it from his hand like a wizard?  :-\

I think he's shooting it out of his hand like a wizard. Afterall, he did analyse sorcery in the ending. (I like the continuous plasma beam he was firing from his plasma caster, In some of the comics, Predators seem to do that.)

But hey, it's lightning.  :P Remember when we discussed him shooting lightning out of his hands?


I totally called it!  :P



I'm glad that guest fighters are never canon because the idea of Predator using magic is a terrible idea. It works for MKX since Predator is a guest fighter and his ending can be view as a what if ending.

Corporal Hicks


A part of me wants Alien in Mortal Kombat X, and a part of me doesn't.

Ah well, at least we can finally have an Alien and Predator in a fighting game outside of MUGEN.

Corporal Hicks

I might even buy the game if the Aliens get included. Wanna beat the crap out of the Predator.  :P



I hope Spawn and the Xenomorph will be in the game :D That would be awesome.



Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Aug 26, 2015, 01:54:11 PM
I might even buy the game if the Aliens get included. Wanna beat the crap out of the Predator.  :P

And I'll look forward to despining the Alien! If you're on PSN, let me know and I'll call referee Mills Lane.

As soon as I get internet and a PS4. Might be a while on a Toys R Us salary.

Corporal Hicks

Afraid I'm an Xbox boy, Rakai.


Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Aug 26, 2015, 04:08:24 PM
Afraid I'm an Xbox boy, Rakai.

Damn, we are so opposite.. even different consoles! I actually laughed at that realization!

Corporal Hicks

Nothing like diversity!

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