AvP Reviews Roundup (Bad)

Started by Darkness, Aug 13, 2004, 11:38:46 PM

AvP Reviews Roundup (Bad) (Read 24,100 times)



Every movie gets its fair share of bad reviews and I think Alien vs Predator has been hit full force with film reviewers. Even after reading these reviews and hearing what other people have said, my enthusiasm for this film has fallen greatly. Here’s links to the negative reviews:

FilmJerk (Rating D)
LatinoReview (Rating F)
BloodyDisgusting (Rating 1)
WaffleMovies (Rating 0.5/5)
The Movie Boy (Rating 2/4)
Slant Magazine (Rating 2/4)
KillerMovie Reviews
CHUD (Rating 5/10)
Newsnet5 (Rating 2/5)
JoBlo’s (Rating 5/10)

The good AvP reviews round up will follow shortly. Thanks to Sentinel and Oh for the news.

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Stan Winston should of done it i told u guys

El Diablo

El Diablo

MILD SPOILERS....  This isn't the cinematic atrocity that everyone is making it out to be. I've seen bad. Bad is Battlefield Earth, Catwoman and Species 2. AVP is flawed but it isn't a total failure. It is incredibly entertaining and even though it didn't live up to the original movies it's still better than I expected it to be.  I agree that the Lex/Scar team-up was poorly done. Visually, it didn't have the impact I was hoping it would. Whenever the camera had to add Sanna Lathan in the same frame as the Predator he looked like a man in a suit, especially during the "running" scenes. It also happened too quickly and too easily and seemed way out of character for a Predator that just slaughtered many of her human comrades. Once they formed an alliance the movie kind of went downhill for me. Still, it wasn't a horrible movie (some of these reviews are getting savage) and at it's worst it is simply mediocre. The lamest parts to the movie were no worse than that of the Devlin/Emmerich sci-fi of Stargate or ID4. Entertaining but not a classic by any means.



we've been waitin years for this movie and this is what we get pg13, pretty much 1 pred becuase the other 2 r killed within minutes, only 87 mins long and 45 mins without alien or pred wtf this sucks if there is a sequel which i rly doubt we better get a diff director

paul anderson says hes the biggest fan of aliens and predator bull shit he ruined this 4 every1, scar and lex team up wtf that is just stupid i cant beleive this i alrdy know im going to hate this film im seeing it tomarrow

Harry Turner

Harry Turner

Who wins?



WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE WORL:D!!!!! I saw the movie, I loved the movie, Im 17, and I thought the movie had enought gore to please.  I was expectiong to come home to good reviews, but as Ripley says.  "Did IQ's just drop shortly while I was away?"



i told u all this was going to b more based around the humans then the preds n aliens

Harry Turner

Harry Turner

well i always said it was astupid idea! and it will end the alien and predator franchises!  want to bith weaver now?



and tell that Idiot that there were not hundreds of aliens, there were 8!!!

The Alien and Predator franchises died a long time ago, Resident Evil and Terminator 3 got pounded majorly hard from critics, yet they both made more then $100 million at the box office.



i bet yughio the move makes more money lol



I agree with el diablo with his first point. Remember that these people are probably ment to say bad things about movies. Dont judge it as what it could have been, but judge it as what it is. Nothing is perfect and a true fan would say its good anyway.

Alex Villalobos

Alex Villalobos

Well i just got back from watching AVP and all i can say is that, well i will give it a 7 out of 10 the film was ok the predators were ok but i agree with Henry408 they should have hired STAN WINSTON to do the predators the aliens were excellent the pred-Alien Chestburster was excellent but the film was not as good as i thought it would be the part were Sebastian De Rosa has the chestburster and the predator catches it there was no blood on it the film could have bin done a little better i waited my whole life for this movie coming from a guy who takes avp seriously i felt put down. i went to see it with my friends and they were laughing the whole time, i got really pissed at them becuase they wouldn't shut up and at the end all they could say is "sorry but the movie really sucked ass" and another said  "i give it two thumbs way down" i felt really bad i almost cryed and im 17 yrs old i just did not feel good at the end of the moive. i was thinking why in the hell did it have to be on earth and in are time why couln't it be right after Alien 3 bishop would have still bin in it but alittle older and it would have sparked a series of sequels telling you what happend in that 200 yr time period before Ellen ripley was cloned you see there would have bin bigger and better story lines for this film any was the film was ok i will give AVP that because i have a pasion  towards AVP    :)  



I disagree with AdamJZ Terminator 3 actually faired well in the reviews in my opinion the general opinion that it was good but not classic, which I would agree with .  All these bad reviews are nasty eh, I guess im glad that I found 2 good ones which darknews will post later.



dude i have a great idea for a avp movie set in the future with marines



darkness I mean    ;)   , also after finding out that its getting hammered in the reviews, how shit does it feel people that we need to "wait" 2 months to see how bad it really is.. I guess there are ways around that if u know what I mean.

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