Danny McBride discusses Alien Covenant with Rolling Stone magazine

Started by BonesawT101, Jul 06, 2016, 03:19:33 PM

Danny McBride discusses Alien Covenant with Rolling Stone magazine (Read 47,282 times)


Quote from: Mustangjeff on Jul 19, 2016, 03:12:30 PM
I'm rethinking my "covenant crew become the eggs in the derelict" theory.

I'm starting to get an infected Holloway + Shaw = Trilo     

But on a massive scale.

I like your theory about the eggs man...

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔈𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔥 𝔓𝔞𝔰𝔰𝔢𝔫𝔤𝔢𝔯

Quote"I'm having a blast on that movie. It's awesome. I'm the pilot of the spaceship, the Covenant. It's a colonisation ship. It's full of couples."
"We're setting off to find a planet that we're hopefully going to colonise and s*** doesn't go as planned."

Quote"I'm the pilot of the spaceship Covenant, which is a colonization ship, searching for a planet where we might start life anew. I run the ship."

Looking at a few of McBrides quotes, it's rather odd that all these couples would just randomly travel through space hoping to find some habitable planet where they can start live anew in a COMPANY spaceship choked up with weed and piloted/captained by a rather scruffy and iffy looking character.

Why would W-Y spend money on a venture such as that? You'd usually send out probes first to find a suitable planet. W-Y would also want to be assured of a return on their investment so the planet would obviously need to be rich in precious metal or mineral wealth before sending anyone anywhere.

It just doesn't add up, unless W-Y is running some kind of coffin ship (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coffin_ship) scheme of dubious legality.


I'm sure their mission will be fleshed out further in time, but I'm assuming they get taken off course from their original destination or the planet was probed and deemed a paradise without realizing its an engineer world.



Quote from: The Eighth Passenger on Jul 19, 2016, 09:45:32 PM
Quote"I'm having a blast on that movie. It's awesome. I'm the pilot of the spaceship, the Covenant. It's a colonisation ship. It's full of couples."
"We're setting off to find a planet that we're hopefully going to colonise and s*** doesn't go as planned."

Quote"I'm the pilot of the spaceship Covenant, which is a colonization ship, searching for a planet where we might start life anew. I run the ship."

Looking at a few of McBrides quotes, it's rather odd that all these couples would just randomly travel through space hoping to find some habitable planet where they can start live anew in a COMPANY spaceship choked up with weed and piloted/captained by a rather scruffy and iffy looking character.

Why would W-Y spend money on a venture such as that? You'd usually send out probes first to find a suitable planet. W-Y would also want to be assured of a return on their investment so the planet would obviously need to be rich in precious metal or mineral wealth before sending anyone anywhere.

It just doesn't add up, unless W-Y is running some kind of coffin ship (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coffin_ship) scheme of dubious legality.

I don't think we can draw any conclusions to the qualifications of McBride's character as of yet.  I've seen some brilliant people at my employment who look a little rough around the edges.  For example, one of my coworkers has a PHD in particle physics, but you wouldn't think twice if you saw him as a Walmart greeter.

My first thought when I read "colonization ship" in the synopsis was of a large slower moving ship carrying a large group of colonist as a generational ship, or possibly asleep.  I even speculated that this ship might have been launched years before the Prometheus mission.

According to the Weyland industries timeline

1) Hypersleep chambers were patented in 2030
2) FTL was discovered in 2032
3) First FTL ship was built in 2034

So it's possible that the Covenant was launched around 2035-2040 and had FTL/Hypersleep capabilities.

Here are a few random thoughts.

1) Maybe the Covenant was launched on a predetermined route and automated to search for habitable planets.  The crew is awakened once the computer finds a suitable planet.

2) Maybe David puts two and two together that planet Paradise is actually along this flight path and bides his time, or maybe he sends the ship a signal to change course and come to him.  In any event, it's possible that it didn't take David ten years to get from LV223 to Paradise, but that is how long he waited for the Covenant get there.

3) Maybe David communicated with the Company about the events on LV223?  David asked for research materials, and the company offered up the crew of the Covenant in exchange for tech.

John Doe

If all of them are couples maybe Daniels its already pregnant of Ripley....



The couples/colonisation ship angle reminds me of Ark in Space, which is a Dr Who serial that has a few similarities to Alien.  'Elizabeth Shaw' being another Dr Who connection.

Of course it has been in a lot of other stuff, too.  Pandorum being one of the most recent.


Quote from: Scorpio on Jul 20, 2016, 06:51:55 AM
The couples/colonisation ship angle reminds me of Ark in Space, which is a Dr Who serial that has a few similarities to Alien.  'Elizabeth Shaw' being another Dr Who connection.

Of course it has been in a lot of other stuff, too.  Pandorum being one of the most recent.

To me the Ark in Space concept makes a lot of sense.  It's possible the Covenant was launched without FTL closer to 2030.  If the movie takes place around 2100, that would allow the Covenant to travel 60-70 LY at sub-light speeds.

Why would writers go this route?

It could be used to explain why the ship of filled with couples, and why they sent ships filled with people instead of probes.  A small sub-FTL probe might lack the capabilities and propulsion storage to get anywhere close to light speed to be useful.

It also provides a jolt when the crew gets to Paradise and they find David waiting.  If we assume the crew is unable to communicate with Earth in real-time, they pretty much have to take David's word for anything he says.

Denton Smalls

Wow, the couples thing took me by surprise but I like it.

QuoteIf all of them are couples maybe Daniels its already pregnant of Ripley....

I was thinking the same thing! Maybe we'll see Ripley's dad too?

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔈𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔥 𝔓𝔞𝔰𝔰𝔢𝔫𝔤𝔢𝔯

Quote from: Mustangjeff on Jul 19, 2016, 11:34:35 PM
I don't think we can draw any conclusions to the qualifications of McBride's character as of yet.  I've seen some brilliant people at my employment who look a little rough around the edges.  For example, one of my coworkers has a PHD in particle physics, but you wouldn't think twice if you saw him as a Walmart greeter.

I must admit, I usually look like a bit of a nerf-herder myself. I shouldn't be judging. Now where did I put that shaving razor?

Quote from: Mustangjeff on Jul 20, 2016, 11:59:02 AM
To me the Ark in Space concept makes a lot of sense.  It's possible the Covenant was launched without FTL closer to 2030.  If the movie takes place around 2100, that would allow the Covenant to travel 60-70 LY at sub-light speeds.

It could be used to explain why the ship is filled with couples, and why they sent ships filled with people instead of probes.  A small sub-FTL probe might lack the capabilities and propulsion storage to get anywhere close to light speed to be useful.

Makes sense, but that would rule out another David being on-board (as the Corporal claims) if they left earth decades before the Prometheus expedition. You also have the issue of the Covenant being a Weyland - Yutani ship. The merger between the two companies only happened sometime after the events of Prometheus. So that would effectively rule out that theory.

I guess we'll have to wait and see how they fleshed-out the story.

Quote from: Kapital on Jul 20, 2016, 06:32:22 AM
If all of them are couples maybe Daniels its already pregnant of Ripley....

Ripley is already 11 or 12 years old by then.


David will store and egg on board their ship.
Just like bishop did. 



Quote from: The Eighth Passenger on Jul 20, 2016, 03:17:48 PM
Quote from: Mustangjeff on Jul 19, 2016, 11:34:35 PM
I don't think we can draw any conclusions to the qualifications of McBride's character as of yet.  I've seen some brilliant people at my employment who look a little rough around the edges.  For example, one of my coworkers has a PHD in particle physics, but you wouldn't think twice if you saw him as a Walmart greeter.

I must admit, I usually look like a bit of a nerf-herder myself. I shouldn't be judging. Now where did I put that shaving razor?

Quote from: Mustangjeff on Jul 20, 2016, 11:59:02 AM
To me the Ark in Space concept makes a lot of sense.  It's possible the Covenant was launched without FTL closer to 2030.  If the movie takes place around 2100, that would allow the Covenant to travel 60-70 LY at sub-light speeds.

It could be used to explain why the ship is filled with couples, and why they sent ships filled with people instead of probes.  A small sub-FTL probe might lack the capabilities and propulsion storage to get anywhere close to light speed to be useful.

Makes sense, but that would rule out another David being on-board (as the Corporal claims) if they left earth decades before the Prometheus expedition. You also have the issue of the Covenant being a Weyland - Yutani ship. The merger between the two companies only happened sometime after the events of Prometheus. So that would effectively rule out that theory.

I guess we'll have to wait and see how they fleshed-out the story.

Quote from: Kapital on Jul 20, 2016, 06:32:22 AM
If all of them are couples maybe Daniels its already pregnant of Ripley....

Ripley is already 11 or 12 years old by then.

Oh your right.  I forgot about the David on board the Covenant.  There were different David models, so it's possible that the Covenant is sporting an older model.   What we might get is something along the lines of a David 8 vs David 3 or David 4.

David 8 : David on the Prometheus.  He was a new model at the time the Prometheus was launched.

Weyland builds and successfully deploys thousands of Seventh Generation Davids into workplaces across the universe. Human acceptance of David 7 reaches an all-time high thanks to Weyland's highly classified emotional encoding technology, David 7 can accurately replicate most human emotions down to the tiniest nuance while consistently achieving all mission objectives.
JULY 6, 2068

David 6 : Only 7% of humans can recognize the sixth generation of David as a cybernetic individual.
FEBRUARY 26, 2062

David 5 : Weyland makes significant intellectual and emotional updates to the David android, further increasing human acceptance.
JULY 7, 2052

David 4 becomes the first commercially available model of the David series. He is eventually expected to improve work-flow and efficiency at offices and homes across the world.
APRIL 1, 2042

After android regulations are lifted, the third generation David is deployed internally in order to test human acceptance of cybernetics individuals. Results are encouraging.
JUNE 30, 2035

Weyland makes significant adjustments to the David android prototype, facilitating David's first interaction with humans. This initial meeting is very promising.
JANUARY 1, 2028

Well, I think my theory is shot about the Covenant being an old-tech space ark type colonization ship.  One small "item" blows that idea out of the water.  The Weyland-Yutani patch

The patch on the crew clothing pretty much means that the Covenant must have launched after the events in Prometheus in order for the corporate merger to have happened.


Corporal Hicks



Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Jul 30, 2016, 12:57:29 PM
Anything new?

Nope, pretty much just repeating what he's already said. He was honored to be apart of it, its gonna be great, thinks fans will really dig it, and its really dark, a straight horror movie.


And he got to choose his weapon, which is a shotgun. And reiterates that shit hits the fan fast.

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