Good grief, I can't believe some of you guys. Ravenous zealots.
We shouldn't be grateful just because we're (finally) getting a new installment to the franchise. The AVP series deserves justice and it deserves to be done right. Damnit, we deserve it (Lord knows we had to wait long enough for it). It should be faithful to the series we love and not include half-baked elements then try to justify it as "gameplay-balance". That's sheer BS. What I have a problem with, are the UNNECESSARY sacrifices to authenticity in the name of "gameplay". A recurring thorn in the series' side. Some details, like the Alien's size, strength, intelligence, weight, speed, etc., don't even have anything to do with gameplay and they can't even get that right (which in turn, would allow them to justify ridiculous animations like a Predator picking up an Alien and breaking it's back or a Marine kicking one off himself; I mean c'mon, this is absolutely absurd). It makes one wonder if they've even scene the films they say they love so much. Or the plasma caster and the way they've changed how it charges up. *face palm* The targeting laser is what's suppose to give it away and it worked pretty damn well in past AVP games. Why change it? Anyway, there are other ways of balancing a game's gameplay while keeping it as authentic to the subject material as possible . Rebellion's inability to do this is what makes me wary of them re-helming the AVP franchise.