Alien: Isolation Coming To Android and iOS in December 2021!

Started by Corporal Hicks, Nov 17, 2021, 03:59:55 PM

Alien: Isolation Coming To Android and iOS in December 2021! (Read 23,310 times)


Quote from: acrediblesource on Nov 18, 2021, 07:35:26 PM
in 5 years humans will shrink 4feet and the screens of mobile devices....mainly phones will be so large they would be like 4k tvs to us.



People will become super-small so phones' screens will be super-big for them.



The logic behind the timeframe... and pretty much the rest of it tbh


I think he just lets the drugs take the wheel sometimes.


Must be a wild ride lol


Look i accept mobile might not be everyone's preference when it comes to gaming. But millions of people around the world do enjoy it. There's a lot of people around the world who can't afford high end P.Cs and consoles. Mobile is their only source of gaming. And that's totally fine. Im just surprised there are people putting down a fully fledged alien title down. Especially on AvPgalaxy!

For one feral interactive are absolutely amazing at porting games to mobile and have a great track record. They make absolutely no compromise in doing so. Plus you don't even need to play with a touch screen as it will have controller support.

Now consider this.. Developers are not yet going to risk making original high quality single player games for mobile, if it flops its a big hit on them. It makes much more sense business wise to port existing titles to mobile, so they can test the waters first. The more ports that are successful, the more confidence developers will have in the future, in making original AAA games for mobile. 

Again it might not be for everyone, but it's not aimed at you. It's aimed at people who do enjoy gaming on the go. And I'm all for it.


Quote from: YOUNGBLOOD90 on Nov 19, 2021, 05:44:14 AM
I'm just surprised there are people putting down a fully fledged alien title down. Especially on AvPgalaxy!

You're really new around here, aren't you ?

Anyway, speaking personally, I'm bitter first of all 'cause my phone won't be able to run the game. I would actually love a chance to play Isolation on a portable device, laying in my bed,for example. But I do agree with these skeptical about the news. It's not freaking Angry Birds - Alien Isolation isn't a game for quick sessiins. It's a game you have to dedicate some time playing. And I would imagine smaller screen would cause lost of a lot of details developers put into the world and break the immersion

Mr. Clemens

Yeah, Alien Isolation should make you feel... isolated. It's not a game you play in the breakroom or on the bus.


Thats totally cool it's your opinion, but it's clearly an outdated one. Games have come a long way since angry birds and i find a lot of these negative comments nothing more than hyperbole. What's the difference between mobile and Nintendo switch? Nothing.

Pubg mobile rakes in billions around the world every year, clearly people like playing quality games on the fly. The numbers speak for themselves.

And no I'm not new here in the slightest, I've been coming here for years mate. I just can't remember my password  :-


I don't see how this will work....but hey if it helps get a sequel I'm all for it. Odd to see a 5.9 rated game from ign get so many ports...... ign's review irritates me even to this day.


IGN review is a disgrace on the face of the planet and should be erased with fire

Corporal Hicks

I'll probably get it and give it a go, but this is just one of those "but why" moments. I'm curious to see how it plays. I was very impressed with Feral's Switch port so I'm willing to go in with some benefit of the doubt. But honestly, I'd have rather a Blackout sequel or a new mobile game. I can't see folk sitting down to get involved in a 8 hour immersive story on their phone but maybe I'm wrong.


I want to see blackout get ported to the switch



Quote from: Kradan on Nov 19, 2021, 04:14:24 PM
IGN review is a disgrace on the face of the planet and should be erased with fire
You thought IGN was bad, Just watch under the Mayo take on Alien Isolation on YouTube

Corporal Hicks

Quote from: Engineer on Nov 23, 2021, 02:33:34 PM
I want to see blackout get ported to the switch

Yeah, I'd love that! Though I do think it played best on PC.

I'd still love to see a Blackout 2 with expanded distraction possibilities and ways to defeat Aliens by opening airlocks and etc.

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