AvPR Production Update

Started by Corporal Hicks, Oct 07, 2007, 09:49:35 PM

AvPR Production Update (Read 6,179 times)

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

Colin was kind enough to drop onto the board and let us know how the film was doing. It’s the first time we’ve seen him on the board in a while and it sounds like he’s making progress:

“Monday we begin a week long process to record all the music. I can’t tell you all how how excited we are about being there in the studio listening to a huge orchestra playing the music live for us for the first time.”

He talks about more in his post – visual effects, colour correction and etc but the gist of it is that everything is going well. Colin also made a quick post on IMDB talking about the rising concerns in the similarities to the AICN review in the trailers:

“On the most basic level some things may still sound the same, but this is a very very different movie. Most of the names didn’t change because we didn’t have any issues with what they were, and many of the setups are a bit similar because of the small city enviroment, but entire last half of the film is totally different than the review, and all the dialog and most of plot points are completely different now throughout the entire picture. Not only that, but what the Aliens and Predator do is also all new and unique to our re-writes, from thier actions, motivations, and where they came from.”

Thanks to Pred_Alien for pointing this one out.

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yer cool !



Neat   :)   always nice to hear from the director



the music sound good   ;)  



Its cool! to hear from the director. I like what he said about the script being not exact to the aicn review. Hopefully this will be a dark, scary and violent etc. I just hope they don't rush what they are doing at the moment. Cant wait for this film.



can't wait until december



I gotta wait till january...damn

Dual Blade

Dual Blade

I don't like AICN anyways. Whether the script was the same or not was totally unrelevant. They almost completly alienated ( pardon the pun) the fans as well as everyone else hearing of the movie. Scripts will always have that 2 Dimensinoal image but once lifted from the pages and handled by people who know exactly what their doing then it becomes a different kettle of fish.  WHEN this movie comes ... IT WILL DOMINATE!!! and I want AICN to totally swallow up their words whole and know next time NOT to go up setting fans that gear their hopes on a film becoming a flop.  I really can't stant that site.   >:(  



Cool,the director himself talked to us!(l,,l_   ;D  _l,,l).Most of thost guys whould just tell us fans to F-off.But he was very,very nice!.And befor some of you get confused:The DVDs are about 2ft in diameter,and there used for those big digital screens at the theater.They do'nt start making the DVDs until after the movie comes out,which is why you'll be able to buy AVP-2 in june(maybe).I know this movie has a lot of violence,but i hope its soooo scary it makes me afraid to go into a dark room!!   ;D     ;D     ;D  

Zero T.

Zero T.

  8)  It's prety cool.

Warrior Angel

Warrior Angel

Well usally a DVD comes out six months after the theatrical realease so it'll probably come out in say June.....damn your good!



COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1   ;)  



It's a major point.



I like how nice Colin is, despite the fact that so many of the fans have been pricks to him and his crew lately.



I think it helps a lot when the director is a big fan of the previous films. And it's more than just a job to them.

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