RidgeTop's Alien & Predator Photography

Started by RidgeTop, Jun 24, 2020, 10:12:39 PM

RidgeTop's Alien & Predator Photography (Read 18,515 times)


Well done, these look awesome! Hiya should hire you for a shoot. Nice recapture of some heavy scenes. Alot of work behind the curtain. You use some fill cards for bounced light? What else you got up your sleeve? Quite the production.


Thanks folks, really appreciate it.

Quote from: Voodoo Magic on Aug 06, 2021, 01:17:15 PM
Quote from: RidgeTop on Aug 06, 2021, 06:02:37 AM
Thought I gave up on this did ya?

Predator 2

Full set here: https://adamzellerphotographer.pixieset.com/predator2/

You even replicated the dance!!! :laugh:

These are utterly fantastic RT!  Bravo!! 👏

Had to do the dance! Glad to hear that the P2 expert enjoys.

Quote from: Kradan on Aug 06, 2021, 01:54:07 PM
Did you notice the reflection in the water ? Did you ?

That one was tricky, but after getting the shot right with the cloaked and uncloaked figures I just had to combine the two images in photoshop.

Quote from: Lost_Hunter on Aug 06, 2021, 02:10:19 PM
Well done, these look awesome! Hiya should hire you for a shoot. Nice recapture of some heavy scenes. Alot of work behind the curtain. You use some fill cards for bounced light? What else you got up your sleeve? Quite the production.

Thanks much! I do occasionally use a bounce card for some fill light but not for all of the shots. I shoot with the Canon 5D Mk IV using mainly the macro setting of the Canon 24-70 f/4 lens.


I have a few other macro lenses I employ and I find that the macro lenses really make smaller figures feel more life-sized, which is the look I like to go for. I see a lot of toy photography that while awesome, immediately have that toy scale look about them. While you of course can tell these are toys, I personally think macro really makes them feel cinematic and realistic.

As far as lighting goes, I've done some different techniques for the different shoots. With the AVP one and Alien Covenant one it was speedlight flash, which I may go back to for the next one (Predators) but for this I used 'Lume Cubes' and LED panels with gels.

Here's a few BTS shots:

And a little video of the dry ice setup I used for the ship scene:


I liked the bubbling sounds


Those light cubes are neat! Are they useful for much other than figure photography or is that sort of what they're aimed at?

Obligatory your stuff is amazing. The care you put into each setup really pays off in the final shot.



Quote from: SiL on Aug 07, 2021, 11:15:39 PM
Those light cubes are neat! Are they useful for much other than figure photography or is that sort of what they're aimed at?

Obligatory your stuff is amazing. The care you put into each setup really pays off in the final shot.

Thanks! The Lume Cubes are used quite a bit for toy photography but they have a number of other common uses. I've seen a lot of really neat long exposure night photography done with them, as well as for drone lights, vlogging, all sorts of things.

Their Instagram showcases how different photographers utilize them.

Also, here's a little tease of the next one:

UPDATE: Ok little edit, more of his body was in shadow in the poster.


Super cool man, I'm diggin those behind the scenes photos. Looks like alot of work.



Quote from: Lost_Hunter on Aug 09, 2021, 06:17:04 PM
Super cool man, I'm diggin those behind the scenes photos. Looks like alot of work.

Thanks! Setup and breakdown can take a bit but I enjoy shooting so it doesn't really feel like work.

Little practice shot last week of NECA's Ahab Predator. Been a good while since I've shot one by them. Still working on the Predators set which should be done sometime next month.

But here's a shot from it:



Some recent shots of Hiya Toys

Crazy Rich

This is some pretty great stuff.

I myself was actually thinking of dabbling in something like this months ago with my Pixel 2 XL camera.  :laugh:


Thanks, and you should! Smart phones take great pictures these days.

A couple more from this recent set:


Sweet !



Some AlienĀ³ Anniversary photos of the Kotobukiya Dog Alien that I took for the site.

Corporal Hicks

Wonderful as always.


It's perfect.

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