Mikey's Figure Photography

Started by Mike’s Monsters, Jul 29, 2010, 04:47:14 AM

Mikey's Figure Photography (Read 43,829 times)

Mike’s Monsters

So, I have been wanting to get into the Photography business, and I really like taking pictures of figures. Most of what I have done is Aliens and Predators (because that is pretty much all I have!). I figured I would share a few shots I have right now, most of which I have posted in other parts of the forum, I thought I would put them in one location. I'd love to know what you guys think, and how I could make improvements. I'm trying to make these look less like figures as much as I can without TOO much post production in Photoshop.
There will be more coming over the next few days probably.

I'll start with some older shots of the NECA Warrior figure.

And some more recent shots.

NECA 18 inch Alien.

McFarlane Alien Queen.

McFarlane Dog Alien.

NECA Falconer Predator.

And not Alien or Predator...
Hot Toys Bank Robber Joker.

Cap. Fitzgerald

These are all beautiful!  :'(
*Tears of joy/admiration*

Mike’s Monsters

Thank you, sir. :)
I appreciate it.

Cap. Fitzgerald

Your welcome  :)



From one photographer to another, I've been meaning to ask what kind of camera do you use and how you get the lightning in your pictures so good to make the figures look like they're so professional?


Mike’s Monsters

I use a Canon Rebel XTi myself. All of the photos that have a perfect black background are shot in a photo-light box, which I use professional lights for the lighting. All of the others like the Falconer, Dog Alien, Queen, and 18 inch Alien is all natural lighting.
I'm not professional, but I intend to be one day.



I only have two cameras-- one is a Nikon 35mm 1979 model, uses color film and black and white. Really old. The other is a Canon PowerShot A75.

Can you offer me any tips to shoot how you did like with those figures but with those particular cameras?


Mike’s Monsters

Well, it really depends on the lighting and possibly the lens you use. I don't use film, I am all digital. This is my camera: body and lens, I am also playing with this lens lately, which I used on the Falconer, Queen, Dog, and 18 in Alien pictures. That last lens allows you to how larger depth of field and focus ranges in your photos, as well as shooting in very low light.

An example would be is that I shot the Queen, Dog, and 18 inch in my garage, but allowed the light to come in behind the figure, basically backlit. The Falconer, I shot in the shade for the portrait shot, and the landscape shot I stuck him in front of a window, with a very fast shutter speed, and hight F-Stop allowing me to see the detail in the figure and not get washed out with the light.

With your Canon camera, it's very basic, so it won't be easy to get a shot like these. It might be near impossible actually. Your Nikon I am not sure of, I would have to see the lens and body to know for sure.



Quote from: Mikey on Jul 29, 2010, 05:49:59 AM
With your Canon camera, it's very basic, so it won't be easy to get a shot like these. It might be near impossible actually. Your Nikon I am not sure of, I would have to see the lens and body to know for sure.

I will have to show you my Nikon in order for you to get an idea with what I work with from time to time.


Mike’s Monsters

If you just snap a picture of it with your Canon, I will probably have a good idea from that.



Quote from: Mikey on Jul 29, 2010, 06:02:41 AM
If you just snap a picture of it with your Canon, I will probably have a good idea from that.

Oh I will.

I just now have to find the Nikon.


Mike’s Monsters

No rush, whenever you have the time.

I'm gonna take a few shots here in a bit. If any turn out, I will post them up here.



Quote from: Mikey on Jul 29, 2010, 06:14:28 AM
No rush, whenever you have the time.

I'm gonna take a few shots here in a bit. If any turn out, I will post them up here.

I posted some of my own works on the fanart thread. Check'em out if you have the time.


Mike’s Monsters

Some new ones from tonight.

I really like how this first one came out.

NECA Unmasked Wolf.

Now, I'm not too sure if I even like this next one, I played with it for a bit... But still uncertain, it may be an AvPGalaxy exclusive, haha. Thoughts?

NECA Masked Wolf.

Mike’s Monsters

A few new shots.

McFarlane Warrior Alien.

McFarlane Masked Predator.

And then I started experimenting, I really don't know how I feel about it, let me know your guys thoughts on this please.

And with a bit more contrast.

And this is what the original looked like without any editing.

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