A Series Set In The ‘Alien’ Universe Being Considered?

Started by Wobblyboddle77, Jul 03, 2018, 11:31:07 PM

A Series Set In The ‘Alien’ Universe Being Considered? (Read 62,626 times)


No prequel crap though.
Like Hicks and Hudson in high school.

The Old One

The Old One

Yikes, I'm with you on that one.

Don't want to X-MEN Origins it, in any capacity.


Quote from: 426Buddy on Jul 06, 2018, 10:05:09 PM

I really do want them to make another Mondo Comic.

Herk Mondo in his third outing... Mondo Mayhem.




Quote from: Vermillion on Jul 07, 2018, 05:39:58 AM
No prequel crap though.
Like Hicks and Hudson in high school.

I can see it now. Drake and Vasquez prank Hudson by telling one of his teachers that he's hot for them. An hour later, Hudson sits staring at a love note slipped to him by Mrs. Bricklebum. The fat science teacher with the big mole who's now giving him the wink and twiddly fingers.

With an expression of panic, Hudson keeps repeating, "Aw This ain't happenin man, this ain't happenin. Four more weeks and out."

Hicks is trying to calm him down by saying, "you're not reading it right".

Hudson replies "I'm readin' right man, look!"

Hicks looks at the note, then Mrs. Bricklebum blows a kiss.   "It's game time"

The Old One

The Old One

I hate that what I just read made me smile.

Good one Huggs lol.


Hahahah love it!



They'll have to do something truly amazing and revolutionary with this series to justify its existence.
Honestly given the reception of Covenant, I don't think this will be met with much enthusiasm or interest.


Well, assuming we're even talking about something resembling, event remotely, a conventional series.... What are some hooks?


Personally, I'm all for going the Muppet route with "Aliens Babies". But that's just me...

Still Collating...

Quote from: Huggs on Jul 07, 2018, 05:56:41 AM
Quote from: Vermillion on Jul 07, 2018, 05:39:58 AM
No prequel crap though.
Like Hicks and Hudson in high school.

I can see it now. Drake and Vasquez prank Hudson by telling one of his teachers that he's hot for them. An hour later, Hudson sits staring at a love note slipped to him by Mrs. Bricklebum. The fat science teacher with the big mole who's now giving him the wink and twiddly fingers.

With an expression of panic, Hudson keeps repeating, "Aw This ain't happenin man, this ain't happenin. Four more weeks and out."

Hicks is trying to calm him down by saying, "you're not reading it right".

Hudson replies "I'm readin' right man, look!"

Hicks looks at the note, then Mrs. Bricklebum blows a kiss.   "It's game time"



This was gold. 

Local Trouble

How about a straight up adaptation of the adventures of Wilkes and Billie that takes place post-AR?

The Old One

The Old One

If there's to be an adaptation of one of the comics I wouldn't be opposed to the general outline of Earth War and Nightmare Asylum.


Perfect!  As long as its with Hicks and Newt!  It will feel forced otherwise.

That's basically what they tried to set up in the novel Alien River of Pain.  Think about it.  A Colonial marine and a little girl escapes from Hadley's Hope.  What could possibly have been the purpose of setting that up?  I think it is so that a story akin to the first Aliens comics could be told as a follow up.  It allows for a Hicks / Newt type of story even if the characters are dead.

Honestly, why go so stupidly convoluted when Biehn is ready to reprise his role as Hicks?  Why go for a second rate retellinf of an excellent story when the proper sequel could still be made?  Nobody is going to come and take away your copy of Alien 3 or A:R, just as much as nobody will go see a sequel to A:R.  🙄

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