Predator: If It Bleeds - New Predator Anthology

Started by Corporal Hicks, Aug 02, 2016, 03:47:44 PM

Predator: If It Bleeds - New Predator Anthology (Read 140,352 times)

The Alien Predator

The Alien Predator

Quote from: GreybackElder on Nov 22, 2017, 09:41:40 PM
Very interesting observation! It does seem that the name Yautja was something that the predators call themselves in the expanded universe(minus forever midnight in which they called themselves hish-qu-ten). However in the rage war trilogy it seems that the name yautja was something humans called the predators.  I wouldn't be surprised if different 'races' of predators call themselves different names. It's always fun to speculate. I might have to disagree a little with how unified the predators are in the rage wars. While they are nomadic and have little contact with other clans I do believe they are unified under Kalakta. He spoke for all yautja civilization. They followed his orders. The ceasefire and then the order to withhold info about the Drukathi from humans.  They also followed him into battle on the Macbeth. Anyhoo it's fun to speculate and this is only my opinion and everyone is entitled to their own beliefs! Heyyyy Does anyone else think that Kalakta is the Elder from P2??

Yeah, lots of Predators were following Kalakta, but not all of them.

I remember a passage in the book mentioning that despite the ceasefire, there were still "reports of Yautja attacks, which shows that like us, not all of them followed one leader."

My thought is that Elder Kalakta was such a respected individual, that a huge collection of clans agreed to fight under his leadership and follow his orders such as withholding information on the Drukathi.


And coming in February...  Predator: If It Bleeds on audiobook

The Alien Predator

Bryan, I've noticed that this book is very well edited and have yet to see any spelling errors. Well done to you and the authors.

Aliens: Bug Hunts had more errors in spelling than I am used to when it comes to novels. There was one story where a character is cocooned and suddenly in the same sentence, he's now running at full speed and with a grenade in his hand out of nowhere without even breaking out of his bindings.  :-\

But this book on the other hand hasn't disappointed in any way whatsoever. I am really glad I got the opportunity to read it. I have just finished The Pilot and loved it. Another story with a badass captive Predator. The twist was epic.

Three Sparks made me imagine the story in the cartoon style of Samurai Jack, a favourite show of mine. I also really liked Tin Warrior and Skeld's Keep. Basically all of them so far.  ;D



Meanwhile, Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate! 

Quote from: The Alien Predator on Nov 23, 2017, 10:11:16 PM
Bryan, I've noticed that this book is very well edited and have yet to see any spelling errors. Well done to you and the authors.
Aliens: Bug Hunts had more errors in spelling than I am used to when it comes to novels.

Well, thanks.

Jonathan is by his own admission no copyeditor whereas I am, but errors always slip through and his book had production errors introduced that he never had a chance to catch. It is unfortunate. The 2nd printing of Bug Hunt fixed all that and if I find errors in If It Bleeds, we will do the same. I expect a second printing by Feb or March.


Quote from: BryanThomasS on Nov 23, 2017, 09:50:59 PM
And coming in February...  Predator: If It Bleeds on audiobook
Hot damn! Might be my first audiobook purchase!


Multiple readers it says, but it could be a full cast production like they have done with some of the novels. Trying to find out but holidays...

The Alien Predator

Quote from: BryanThomasS on Nov 23, 2017, 10:11:55 PM
Well, thanks.

Jonathan is by his own admission no copyeditor whereas I am, but errors always slip through and his book had production errors introduced that he never had a chance to catch. It is unfortunate. The 2nd printing of Bug Hunt fixed all that and if I find errors in If It Bleeds, we will do the same. I expect a second printing by Feb or March.

Thanks for explaining that. As a hobby writer, I understand that errors can very easily slip through. I have yet to notice anything in If It Bleeds.  :P

Both of these anthologies are good (but I do prefer the Predator one as a fan.  ;D) I hope to see more of these books, maybe even an AvP anthology if you people get any ideas to write one.


Quote from: BryanThomasS on Nov 23, 2017, 10:11:55 PMThe 2nd printing of Bug Hunt fixed all that and if I find errors in If It Bleeds, we will do the same.

I didn't realise they'd done a second printing. Would actually be tempted to pick one up, just because some of the errors in that Burke story were so egregious I'd be curious to see how it has been altered for a corrected version. As Alien Predator says, other errors aside, there seemed to be a big jump in the story that would require some filling out to actually fix it.

Quote from: BryanThomasS on Nov 24, 2017, 03:10:32 AMMultiple readers it says, but it could be a full cast production like they have done with some of the novels. Trying to find out but holidays...

Great to hear they're doing an audiobook, even better to hear there's a chance it'll be another drama! That really would be excellent; although I have issues with both of the books that Audible have adapted so far, the dramas themselves were very well done indeed and immensely enjoyable. Would rock if there was something similar done for this.

Needless to say, hope you can get back to us once you know more :)


QuoteI hope to see more of these books, maybe even an AvP anthology if you people get any ideas to write one.

That pitch and a pitch for a second Predator antho have been submitted.

The Alien Predator

Quote from: BryanThomasS on Nov 24, 2017, 03:56:12 PM
QuoteI hope to see more of these books, maybe even an AvP anthology if you people get any ideas to write one.

That pitch and a pitch for a second Predator antho have been submitted.

Excellent! I hope it gets a greenlight. I'd love to read more of these.


You can. happypred is banned for lack of tact and writing reviews that insult me and my authors. No more books for him. ;D


An AVP anthology would be awesome. Hope it gets the go-ahead!

Corporal Hicks

I'd definitely be interested in seeing what kind of variety could be pulled off in that! Could be an interesting opportunity for more Alien hybrids too.


I wonder if an entire anthology of AVPs might not get a bit samey... I think I'd personally prefer to see the odd crossover thrown into future Predator/Alien anthologies (assuming there are some).


I'm sure they would throw in different time periods and settings to keep it fresh. And like Hicks said, we could get some more cool xeno hybrids, so I'm down for it.

It would be pretty cool to get stories with returning characters like Machiko Noguchi, too.

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