Bryan, I've noticed that this book is very well edited and have yet to see any spelling errors. Well done to you and the authors.
Aliens: Bug Hunts had more errors in spelling than I am used to when it comes to novels. There was one story where a character is cocooned and suddenly in the same sentence, he's now running at full speed and with a grenade in his hand out of nowhere without even breaking out of his bindings.

But this book on the other hand hasn't disappointed in any way whatsoever. I am really glad I got the opportunity to read it. I have just finished The Pilot and loved it. Another story with a badass captive Predator. The twist was epic.
Three Sparks made me imagine the story in the cartoon style of Samurai Jack, a favourite show of mine. I also really liked Tin Warrior and Skeld's Keep. Basically all of them so far.