Another excellent podcast gentlemen! Aaron, contrary to what you might think, this did not sound like a circle jerk haha. It was actually really interesting to hear how the website and podcast has expanded over the years, and how movies and games affected its growth. I've been a lurker on this forum since 2016 and joined in 2017. Until that time I thought no one enjoyed these franchises as much as me. If it wasn't for you all, I would have never dove into the expanded universe stuff like books, comics and scripts. Also, I have you all to thank for my alien and predator figure collection(much to my wife's distain). Seriously though, You guys have been really instrumental in building the alien and predator community. For keeping the interest alive and well in the fandom!You all should be very proud!
-also, I'm not sure who mentioned this but it may have been Mikey, but when ever hop on the internet the first place I check out is AvPG as well. Here's to another 200 episodes!