Two New Alien vs. Predator Galaxy Exclusive Shirts Available on TeePublic!

Started by Corporal Hicks, Jan 09, 2020, 06:01:00 PM

Two New Alien vs. Predator Galaxy Exclusive Shirts Available on TeePublic! (Read 10,902 times)


The impaled Alien and Predator head designs look awesome! Think I'll buy the Predator one soon. Love the vibrant colors.


Looking great, I am considering buying one. Is there any licensing issues involved with selling shirts like these?


Quote from: Wweyland on Feb 12, 2020, 09:47:53 PM
Looking great, I am considering buying one. Is there any licensing issues involved with selling shirts like these?

Not at the moment, it's essentially treated as fan art. Kinda how things go at conventions, there are a number of unlicensed prints and attire pieces sold at conventions and online, and license holders know that while they could legally go after people for selling them, as long as the sales are limited, it's better to stay in the good graces of the community.

There are loads of unlicensed designs on Teepublic, so we didn't see any issue. We do have a good relationship with 20th Century Studios, and if they ask us to stop selling the shirts, we would, but I don't foresee that happening.

Voodoo Magic

Whip it!  Whip it good!   :D

Corporal Hicks

Yes, buddy!!! How do you like it?


I love the design and the the Hammer tee is always great. I have actually worked in the garment printing industry for 11 years and this tee (the H000 Hammer tee 90% cotton 10% poly) is one of my favorites. Most people today prefer poly synthetic shirts but i'm still mainly a cotton man. This shirt is heavy and still soft but doesn't lay over you like a wet cloth.

The design it awesome, this is my favorite shirt now lol.

Corporal Hicks

Glad to hear it! I'm still so pleased with how these designs came out!

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