Predator Coming to Mortal Kombat X?

Started by Darkness, Feb 20, 2015, 05:05:10 PM

Predator Coming to Mortal Kombat X? (Read 54,003 times)

The Alien Predator

Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Aug 26, 2015, 04:08:24 PM
Afraid I'm an Xbox boy, Rakai.

I plan to buy an Xbox one day.

And when I do...

Hunting season will be on, Corporal!

Corporal Hicks

Ha. I look forward to the day!



Quote from: Darkness on Jul 06, 2015, 06:20:25 PM
Official trailer has been released:

QuoteWarner Bros. has revealed new details about how Mortal Kombat X players will be able to download and play as Predator.

Predator comes packaged in the Predator bundle, which also includes three skins: Commando Johnny, Infrared Scorpion and Carl Weathers as Jax. These will be available tomorrow, July, 7 for those who have the Kombat Pack, or purchasable for $7.99 from Tuesday, July 14.

Anyone wishing to purchase Predator on his own will be able to do so from that date for $4.99, while the accompanying skins will also be available separately for $3.99.

the animation is f**king sick :D 


Played a bit against my friend on his Xbox and dude I love playing as the Predator. I also like the setups and combos you can pull off with each variation. The most fun for me is Hunter, but I main the Hish Qu Ten at the moment cause I find that the easiest to use.

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