AvP Trailer Finally Online

Started by Darkness, Jun 16, 2004, 10:01:30 PM

AvP Trailer Finally Online (Read 41,857 times)



Yes, Apple have finally posted the final trailer for Alien vs Predator.


Stream: Small, Medium, Large
Download: Large (18.5MB) (Right-click and save target as)
Some screenshots on the next page.
Thanks to Jeff, HopeOfTheFuture, Yarah, Vincent and Xenoforge.

Update: Over at AvPWorld, Corpral Hicks has posted about 100 high quality screenshots from the Alien vs Predator trailer. Well worth checking out but the page will take some loading for 56K users.

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Maurice "HopeOfTheFuture" Huijs

Maurice "HopeOfTheFuture" Huijs

COOL!    ;D   I'm really hyped for this movie. I can't wait anymore...



WOOOOOOO!!!!!!  Hell Yeah!  Everything I see for this makes me believe it will at least blow Alien Resurrection and Predator 2 out of the water.  And hopefull it will re-energize the suits into thinking that Alien and Predator are viable properties again which could mean Alien 5 (no Sigourney) and Predator 3 maybe with The Rock. I'd kill to see a Predator vs The Rock film.



That was the most perfect trailer i've ever seen.  Holy F*&^ing Sh*t he really did it.

roger that

roger that

i wonder why avp-movie.com is always late? every other site gives much better infos than the official site.



"This is getting better and better every minute!" As Dutch says in the chopper ; Beginning of P1...  I think this is going to be A FANTASTIC MOVIE!  What more could we fans expect? This is my dream world getting filmed... I was sceptical about the pyramids and all, but it's just getting better than my own ideas, which I thought were unbeatable ;)  I can't wait until I'm really inside the cinema watching this movie!!!!

Maurice "HopeOfTheFuture" Huijs

Maurice "HopeOfTheFuture" Huijs

Some questions...  http://www.crabshadow.com/injektilo/avp16.jpg Is the shot with the facehugged people from the flashback of does it happen in the present? I don't think the Predators will dress the hosts so nice, and I think those people are offered by the villagers, so the Predator will let them live (in that flashback). But if that is the case, will we get to see a whole flashback of people being impregnate, chestbursters, full grown alien and then the fight on top of the pyramid where the shit breaks loose...?  Will we get to see the Super Facehugger that will impregnate someone with a Queen? I mean the symbol on this shot looks like the Alien3 logo of the Queen embryo. http://www.crabshadow.com/injektilo/avp18.jpg The stones have a shot of the facehugger and alien queen embryo (?)...



the way those ppl are dressed id say its a flash back and the villagers would of dressed um like that.



guys of corse its a flash back because theirs other pictures of them but all bones and the face huggers still on them. I cant wait tell this movie!



Always wen im atskool i gottafixmy windows cos some stuff is corrupt, so Ill not be on for a while darkness



Is anyone else having problems downloading the trailer directly to the pc, i want to keep it.  The stream is fine but the link for view and review appears to be broken.

Pvt Hudson

Pvt Hudson

oh god the scene with the aliens on the pyramid looks sooooo good! when i saw the preview b4 that i was sorta cringing cuz it looked funny but now! WOW! the visuals are done so it looks SIIIIICK!



i think it'll be good when it comes out    ;D  

johnny horn

johnny horn

i dont care bout the movie i just love moya    :D  



OMG!!!,what a great trailer. The fight on the pyramid as really shaping up the Aliens are really well gone, wow great job Paul.  Paul sayd hes bein waiting for 10 years to make dis movie,well so did i and i most say im hard to please and boy do dis look like a great movie.Also i know that a lot of you ppl where not sure of the story,i lot of you dint like the fack that it wa in Articka, cuz of the fack that the Preds dont like cold. Thats not true at all the thing is that Predators prefer the heat then the cold but they can easely hunt in the cold, its like us humains we prefer the heat but can be in the cold as well, just not to long   ;)  .  Conserning the asteck ppl. Yeah like nik sayd they are the asteck from a flashback,we are gona see there skeletons in the present.

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