Sigourney Weaver on AvP

Started by Darkness, Aug 03, 2004, 04:06:30 PM

Sigourney Weaver on AvP (Read 16,915 times)



Well, its not so surprising to hear that from Sig eh. Anyway, the key that would put A5 to the level of Aliens or even higher, would be to put a good plot with Sig, cuz look in A3, nothing brilliant there exep Dillon. AR ? = bullshit. Even Johner was kinda crappy.  Sig wont do a movie by herself, you need to have her sorrounded by good actors. Look in Aliens, Hudson, Hicks, Newt, Vasquez, Almost all of the plot was good. We believed in them. They were the heart of the this movie( of course the aliens were kicking ass ! ) but you need damn good actors in a movie like Aliens.   Avp it will be the same, if the actors r good, it will make the movie go higher. But if its like AR or A3, it will be a dumb movie that wont get more appreciation then AR.   So if they make A5, make Ripley die in it and i mean DIE !!!!!!! Like i duno she could c the blood sample they took for cloning her then she would destroy them all. Thats it no more Ripley aftre A5. And you would need good actors that could support her role. + aliens that looks better than ever, no more poops aliens. Good action + damn good suspense. The motion trackers were giving Aliens a very tensful atmosphere. They would need to make something like it that could build the tension bit more.   The thing would be not to make A5 like Starship Troopers, if they do that, they will kill it from the start. They need 1/2 ST and 1/2 Alien, so that we have good action and good tension and suspense.  It would be damn possible to make Ripley back in A5 but she will have to c that SHE is not the alien franchise. That SHE will not make A5 a succes. They will need something like Aliens and Alien, the plot, crew, director etc...

El Diablo

El Diablo

What's with all the hating on Weaver?    ???    So she isn't looking forward to AVP, big deal. The rest of us who have been waiting to see this movie for years will still enjoy it. It's not like she's going to sway the box office with a little soundbyte, right? She is still a wonderful actress who contributed heavily to the success of the original Alien films (I don't think they would have the same impact if she wasn't in them).  Personally, I would like to see the Alien series continue without Weaver because her character has been through enough suffering and her story should finally be put to rest but I'm not about to pounce on her because she wants to do another one and she isn't into a crossover movie. That's ridiculous. She's done too much for those films to suddenly turn around and beat up on her because of her opinon.

Saint Sinner

Saint Sinner

Her involvement with this franchise should've ended with the second or third movie, but she just HAD to do that horrible fourth film. Sadly, there are actually people who think the "clone" Ripley's story should be continued and furthered with Alien5, but that's the last thing I'd personally want to see done. ANYTHING continuing where Alien: Resurrection left off should be completely ditched, infact. It's like the old saying goes -- You can polish a turd, but it's still doo-doo.

Predgirl aka Lavon

Predgirl aka Lavon

I have nothing really to say about Weaver and I heard about the movie The Village.  At first the movie is probably ok until the end then it sucks a$$.  I knew what would happing anyway.  So I just want to see AVP now 9 more days.



I'm a long time reader, first time poster.     J | 03 Aug 2004 18:2024 Come on Sigoney, AT least ONE more time!    At least do this last one one more time THEN call it aday, theres just too many unanswered questions ,( especially with the first movie).   JUST END IT ON A HIGH!!  Sadly in the Hollywood system that

The Reverend

The Reverend

Lol first of all pn2501 i shall own fox or they will be on their knees begging me to produce the Alien 5 movie with my kick ass story line i got going, MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you all shall remember my name. anyways i dont think Sigoney can do much to help with anything in a new alien film, dont you think?



I personally think that Alien3 was a fitting end to the franchise...but Resurrection was a more interesting interpretation than we're giving it credit for...and besides, each movie is better considered as a project of the director and writer based on the theme. Whedon's interpretation worked for what he was doing, as did Fincher's and Cameron's. And besides, Ripley shouldn't have anything to do with's time for the monsters to shine.   On another note...does anyone know about how much influence/credit Dan O'Bannon's getting for the whole Alien temple concept or storyline?  I've been wondering...

C dog

C dog

3 good movies,huh. i only counted two.



I like Sigourney Weaver.  In fact she is in one of my all time favorite movies, Death and the Maiden.  But If she cannot recognize and respect that this is not a movie based on a game, that this is not Freddy vs Jason, then she needs to sit this one out.    I understand her distain for guns, but the hardcore marines and war-approach was one of serveral things that helped make Aliens(2nd film) a success.  In Aliens, it was all about setting up an enviroment, an atmosphere, dictating the rules, before then breaking them.  No matter what firepower the marines brought, from the very first encounter, the marines were running their ass off to get away.  It helped build respect for the nature of the Aliens.  I hope she had no influence in Alien3 and Alien Resurrection concerning the role guns played.  But in my gut, it pains me that there is some truth to that theory.  AVP is war again.  I just hope Paul Anderson understands how to prey upon our basic insticts and can create an enviroment that helps to play up the stengths of the Alien and Predator's natures.

QuotePersonally, I would like to see the Alien series continue without Weaver because her character has been through enough suffering and her story should finally be put to rest but I'm not about to pounce on her because she wants to do another one and she isn't into a crossover movie. That's ridiculous. She's done too much for those films to suddenly turn around and beat up on her because of her opinon.
I agree.  But if she leaves the series, I hope she does not have to much of an influence in the future directionof the series.  She brought alot to the first two, even three films, but Alien: Res took the series into an uncomfortable direction, mythology-wise.  And the "Ripley" char in the 4th film does not bring any of the strengths from the Ripley char fromt he first three films.  It is only a crutch used in an effort to help bring some of the formula for success from the past films.  Alien: Res-Ripley is nothing more then a tool for marketing and piss-poor writers.



pn2501, I just think how the fourth one ended was with two much of a question mark. Now, by NO means am I saying they should start doing Alien 6-7-8 and so on ( although that would be good   ;D  ) but so many, and I do mean MANY of us would've really just like to know the mysteries surrounding the first movie, I would at least mark the end of Ripley's chapter then this will start the new franchise off -  - Alien vs Predator.  Number 5 should be the last, then we can all know whats what, hopefully all our curiousities would have been dealt with.



Sigorney was good for her time, but I think we need a new heroine for a new generation



Hence Lex in AVP........



Lex is it,    BUT  at least lets finish this Saga first ( FOX, just finish this off, Res. was nearly as good as it should)  Ridley Scott or James Cameron for number 5   ;D  

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