Press Screening August 12th?

Started by Darkness, Aug 04, 2004, 01:38:43 PM

Press Screening August 12th? (Read 15,180 times)



They say this but there WILL be reviews on Rottentomatoes for opening day. I've seen nothing sucky so far. I think Fox DO believe in this film, they called set visits after being impressed by the production.

Christ 30

Christ 30

That's just great man, game over.



Smart move from Fox, regardless of the quality of the film, I want it to do well for both Franchises sakes,  It does seem the type of movies the critics will rip up, not that I give a shit cause Im looking forward to it.



To Oh. Way to think man. Who gives what the critics think, this film wasn't made to entertain them, this is for the hardcore AvP fans who have been drooling over this movie since it was hinted at back in 92'. "Cold Mountain" crap is for the critics, no offense to anyone who liked it. AvP is for the young folks who cant enough "monster mashing." I think its entertaining to watch critical bastards pulling stuff out of their asses. "Character development" is the latest one. Who gives a crap, this is not titled "How Oscar Worthy are Lex and Weyland." This is freaking AvP guys. Also, who gives a crap if there is little to no human blood spilling, skinned bodies and missing skulls. All I wanna see is Alien heads getting smashed and Predators getting impaled in a shower of phosphorescent gore. That's the only "gore" I'm really concerned with quite frankly. Some have also been critical of how Anderson isn't just cutting straight to the action. Well folks, he could've done that. But he was smart and mature enough to know that something about his own directing style wasn't working, so who can blame him for doing the smartest thing ever, choosing to dump his idea and doing his darndst to try and recreate the style of two of the greatest directors in sci-fi history, Scott and Cameron instead of trying to use his own again. Besides, Alien 3, AR, and Predator 2 were all about relentlessly paced action, are they gonna be remembered as sci-fi classics, not a chance in hell. I dont know why all of the news you hear point towards this film caving in at the box office. I haven't seen any such signs. Also, guys, quit resorting to the novel for proof of how the movie will be. Its nothing like the film in any way shape or form, so get off using the book for spoilers, cause most of what's in the book will never show up in the movie. Okay you childish bastards, this is the last straw. I'm tired of seeing more and more "critics" polluting a "fan" forum. Can you critical dumbasses spell F-A-N. FAN! You have something bad to say, your not welcome here. At least in my mind, only Darkness has control over who comes and goes. Adam JZ, G-Dog, all of the genuine fans who have stayed loyal and dedicated to this movie, I applaud you, and if they ever erect an AvP museum, may your names be displayed in the AvP Hall of Fame for fans. I dont want to see another post insulting AvP, Paul Anderson, Fox, or anything that's related to AvP, read my lips! I will bash you, and have you crawling back home crying with you tail in between you legs, this is aimed at anyone who posts anything negative by the way. I'm sick of it, I've had it with posters trying to ruin the optimism of true fans. AvP fan Gods like Adam JZ, G-Dog, and apologies to anyone else I missed, stick around guys, AvP needs quality folks like you!



AAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!WWWHHHOOOOOO!!!!(Bagpipes from Braveheart plays)  Hell yeah, Cetanu and BKB and everyone else! That's what i'm saying...Quit doubting this movie! Everything we have seen thus far has been INCREDIBLE...For good or bad, i am a diehard fan of AVP! It doesn't matter if this movie doesn't do well, I will still love it and i will still die an AVP fan.. No matter what...Alot of you call yourselves fans, yet all you do is bitch and moan about this and that and say the movie will suck. I don't understand you people! I have said this 100 times: For the FIRST time in history, F**KING ALIENS and F*UCKING PREDATORS are going to be on the same screen screen at the same time! What more do you want?!?!? I have waited so long for this movie i will probably cry myself to sleep August 12th waiting for the sun to come up so i can finally after all these years see this movie. You're not going to ruin this for me, so if ur not a true fan get the hell off the FANSITE!!!



Someone messing no doubt Predgirl aka Lavon   :)  



Cetanu, GREAT post # 85. We ain't going no where, us fans are going to stick by this movie no matter what. Man, been over 14 years for me, I dreamed of preds fighting aliens after I saw Pred 1. I didn't need to see Pred 2 to to think that. Just by seeing the alien skull on pred 2 made me almost have a f---king heart attack! man, too damn long wating for this, and its just 7 days away......7 DAYS away, F---K YEAH!!!  Ain't going to have NO ONE ruin this movie for me, and none of you fans should. Sure we're going to question certain things, but the reality of it, we saw an alien fight a predator, for me it was August 3, 2004 for the first time...............and it was f**king unbelievable.......



I deffinately agree with Oh's last comment ( Son, you have got this spot on). Critics have funny ways of fewing a movie. You will always have your stiff-upper liped individual who will detest this kind of movie therefore giving it an unfair review. I just hope that they ANALIZE this movie well and not just dis-miss it as   another sci-fi flick .  Paul Anderson seems to have come ALONG way from his Mortal Kombat phase and has shown great pedigrees to create THIS kind of movie.  He desrves to do well with this movie, AND WILL   ;D  

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