Now when they describe the quenn all chained up , the preds have sharp barbed chains running through the queens skull, now shes been like this for 1000 years.WHY WOULDNT YOU MAKE YOU WEAPONS AND ARMOR OUT OF THIS MITERIAL! And also the mecanical arms that grab the freshly laid eggs from the queen of the convaerbelt dump unwanted eggs into a furnese to incinerate them, now these arms have also been doing this for a 1000 years and have acid blood all over tham because the say when the eggs are deposited into the furnace acid blood splashed the stone walls surrounding it and they smoke and
burn.Now either these preds are retarded and have now clue what the hell there doing, or anderson is a dipshit, or they chose to wear armor and weapons that are impervious to the acid for 1 reason only, to make more of a
challenge.Now I hope im right about the last one.Enter Text