Alien/Predator Fight Sequence

Started by Darkness, Aug 04, 2004, 11:21:09 PM

Alien/Predator Fight Sequence (Read 34,530 times)



bringer, see what u mean about the blades i noticed that also. the end of the blade are pointin away from the wrist, why would u want a weapon to do that? you would want the blades facing the same way as ur hand/fist. unless when they extend out futher than they are able to also move the postion on the end of the blades, tho with an alien on top of u would u have time to make the adjustment



*post whore*  I NEED A DL OF THIS!...need to analyze it lol, and play it...over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over...



That was embarrasingly bad.  Im so depressed right now, thanks PA



its wierd yes but guys we just saw an alien and a pred fighting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Sure the suit looks kinda weird but man will i enjoy it on big screen. Like Bringa said, they made it a 2 piece suit, the suit + the armor, so its kinda weird lookin but its still damn cool. The alien, nothing to say exep the sound he is doin, exep of that, he is damn good. The blades melting r not such a big deal, it would have been better if they were not but, its the way it is. You cant take that from the alien. Its acid not blood    ;)    And they r literally destroying the set!!!!  ahaha, i love it.



woah, thought i posted multiple times in a row before...  anyway, the blades are ORIGINALLY in the usual orientation, except when he sees he has a chance to remove the dagger end of the tail he FLIPS the blades so that they will cut with a backhanded stroke.  i think he removed the tail because he knew the alien could escape and that the tails is probably its most dangerous weapon  also the music seems very Predator 1...hope they move better, he does seem kind of "guy-in-a-suitish"

Bringer of Death

Bringer of Death

Man G0 Dog if this one pred is this restricted in his movements there all going to be.Like I said before it was anderson and co. bright idea to make the body suits and there armor two seperate pieces.Now just think about it, the actors playing the preds have a full body suit on thats probably like 3 inches think then add on all the seperate armor pieces that way who knows how much, and what you get it what you saw, a slow moving bulky ass hell and not very agile predator.Now the preds in the first 2 movies, there body suits connected with there armor thus giving them less stuff to cluter there movments and a much easier costume to monuvore( bad spelling)  in.Now i personaly think that bad decision on the pred costumes is going to cost this film big time, because now they dont look like free moving agile alien hunters that are able to swing and jump from tree to tree or building to building anymore.Now they just look like a man in a rubber suit for petes sake, wich is the last thing you want in a film like this.I just pray that this clip isnt taken directly from the actual finished product.If it is, sorry to say but, well you better start praying for a miracle.



im ganna say this to start nothing with no one  but damn u guys are killing the movie well scene jesus just be glad u ganna see these to go at it ...

Lord HamsteR

Lord HamsteR

in I.Robot in both clips i saw the sound was DIFERENT from the one i heard in movie...& i dont belive that Anderson would have thot of that not good fight..i mean he made Resident Evil where all fights where good! gues this clips is gona be eaten bai critiks in a sec! and i DAM HOPE that this is just a fight bifore THE Fight!



I don't believe this!  The best freeken' fight between Celtic and an alien, and everybody is already complaning. guys are just terrible.!!!!! That clip was flawless!........ Simply awesome.



cant agree more bringer.and ust think if celtic armor is not allowing him to move, hasnt scar got even more armor in his midsection.



Sandman I really didnt understand what you just said, please rephrase.  And im not going to be happy just seeing an alien and a pred in the same frame.  You know, I could go pick up and pencil and draw a predator-esque stick figure fighting an alien-esque stick figure and ta da! we have an alien fighting a predator.  I want QUALITY.  That was not quality.    Thanks for posting it though, got me excited for sure :)



And uhhhh, im raising my honor claw to ya, alright i got beat in the FIRST half of this, but its not the entire fight we r seing. Im sure that i come back and that i kick that celtic lil hard moving ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Man, im speakin like if i was that alien, i have to stop the capuccino!  And those blades r probably turning in tha other way to enable celtic to do a reverse hit. Like a back hand but to be sure to cut the tail off in one hit he got his blades around, wich i think it was awsome !    The pred suit is weird yes but guys we just saw a fight that own the entire movie of freddy vs jason. So we have a hell of a movie goin at us.

Bringer of Death

Bringer of Death

Now about the aliens blood melting celtics blades, this is rediculous.Now for anyone who read the novel have a listen and tell me if you agree with me on this
Now when they describe the quenn all chained up , the preds have sharp barbed chains running through the queens skull, now shes been like this for 1000 years.WHY WOULDNT YOU MAKE YOU WEAPONS AND ARMOR OUT OF THIS MITERIAL! And also the mecanical arms that grab the freshly laid eggs from the queen of the convaerbelt dump unwanted eggs into a furnese to incinerate them, now these arms have also been doing this for a 1000 years and have acid blood all over tham because the say when the eggs are deposited into the furnace acid blood splashed the stone walls surrounding it and they smoke and burn.Now either these preds are retarded and have now clue what the hell there doing, or anderson is a dipshit, or they chose to wear armor and weapons that are impervious to the acid for 1 reason only, to make more of a challenge.Now I hope im right about the last one.Enter Text
Now you see what i mean.Dummies   :-\  .



RYAN  in simple words guys here are killing the movie and if that quality to u guys that lil scene then u guys are mad weird seriously ..........i dunno wha u guys arelooking 4 i mean..............explaing to me wah would be great for u guys???



that looks bad!,  Predator beats the aliens ass!  slams into the wall like ten times then throws him down the hall!  can't wait

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