Alien/Predator Fight Sequence

Started by Darkness, Aug 04, 2004, 11:21:09 PM

Alien/Predator Fight Sequence (Read 34,689 times)



I would like to say that for everyone that thinks the celtic predator is big and bulky. Well if you would look at the AVP 2/PH games. There were light predators, regular predators and heavy predators. Light preds were agile minus some power, the regular ones were in the middle and the heavy ones were slow and very strong. Plus we haven't seen the rest of the predator's fight so there is no telling yet.   Another thing, the whole "wrestling moves" take. How else to you expect a big guy to fight? I'm sure paul has pleanty of respect enough for the movies NOT to put in actual "wrestling" moves into this movie and not follow into the foot steps of other directors that have done that with their movie(s). Granted the predator is not human. He could have all these mystical powers and is more agile than that but its not. This is paul's take on how things should go. He didn't look at it like... Oh the predator should use wrestling moves, oh the predators should be fast even though he has so much weight on him and so forth. He looked at it from his basic judgement and knowledge from the games, comics, novels, movies and other things. He figured a big humanoid'ish-alien going against a tiger like-alien would be none other than what it is. It's like putting Arnold Schwarzenegger or some other big goon against Jackie chan or someone very agile on their feet. Come on think of the physics here people.   To those of you that I've seen comment on this stuff have got it all wrong. You just want to hate the movie cause of the director. Not cause of the movie itself which you have yet to even see.   One last thing to keep in mind. This could or could not be a finished clip. It could be from the final cut or not. So don't go dissin it before you see the actual thing.



... I'm starting to agree with the people saying this is a rough cut. If you watch the full trailer, flipped shots aside, there's actually more to the celtic alien fight. For instance, in the clip we see here, the alien scratches Celtic's mask before being kicked through a pillar. That's the only point of the fight we see them wreslte on the ground. In the trailer we see a shot of celtic, with scratched mask, rolling over so he's on top of the alien. It also looks alot cleaner with better colour balance.



Hey Gdog, take it easy man.  Yeah, I think it could get out of control w/ too many vs. in it.  It should just be AVP, i just wanted everyone to check out the clip.  It is pretty cool!

This is part of the clip I saw at comic con. It was even more awesome when I saw it: 1)because I saw it in a somewhat of a movie theater setting, with loud music.  Awesome, 2) You guys haven't seen what lead up to this fight. It is awesome and it catches you by surprise. (spoiler) The Alien was up there in the shadows when he crept up on the other pred (the gill pred).  Then the Celtic pred drops sebastian and walks over to the alien, and that is when the scene starts.  (But now that I think about it, the alien just killed a pred, and he doesn't have any pred blood on him).  Dunno.   There is still parts cut out from this scene.  If you notice, there are no humans around.  In the scene, i saw, the humans were trying to get out as the pred and alien fought.  You can see lex, sebastian and weyland looking at the alien and pred fight.  So I do think this footage was edited for some promo stuff.



Baseman, did you see ALL the clip, or as much as you could see? Do you know what happens after the pred. chucks the alien ?? man you have me to curious!!   ;D  



J, I saw more of what happened before the fight than what happened afterwards.  The clip at Comic con ended with the alien being thrown by the celtic pred.  But this clip is edited b/c it is exactly one minute long.  I saw the whole 4 minute clip.  it was really cool.  If you haven't read my report, here is the link

Sorry, stupid link didn't work, here is just what happens before: --SPOILER-- The Celtic Predator was walking down one of the rooms in the temple heading towards the humans.  Alexa gets in his way, and he bitch slaps her out of the way, then Bishop Weyland gets in the way, bitchslaped to the other side. Then the Italian guy (I'm pretty sure he is italian) tries to hit the Celtic Pred, and the pred picks his ass up by the throat.   Alexa, now on the floor, looks around and finds a gun or some shit on the floor and starts crawling towards until until BAM, while on all fours, she gets kicked in the gut and flys smack into a wall. Another Pred in Camoflauge comes out (he was the pred that kicked her), walks up to her and holds his spear to her face. Then, slowly creeping from the background, you see something decending from behind the predator (the camouflauged pred, not the celtic pred). SHANK! The PRED gets an Alien tail right through him just like the queen did to Bishop in Aliens. The Alien (not a queen) picks up the pred w/ its tail, Turns him so they are face to face. Shot of the Preds mask (who is no longer camoflauged) and you can see a reflection of the Alien in the Mask, then a camera shot to the alien, it makes a head shot to the alien and then pred blood spills on the floor. It is a cut away shot. The Celtic pred hears some drama, turns to look, his view changes from IR to alien mode and he sees the alien killing his buddy. Drops the human and goes to f**k up the alien.   THat is when this clip starts.   However, there is some stuff cut out as I mentioned before because the humans are missing from the clip.



Thanks for that Baseman , all we need now is wait for this movie to apear...    ... October 22nd, sigh!



That sucks dude.  Thank G-d Almighty, I'll watch it next week.  Hopefully it'll be cool.  I'm sure us US folks let the rest of the AVP world what we thought of the movie.  I can guarantee though, some people will love it, and some people will hate it.  We will see what all of us AVP fans think of it here in the US.



I think some of u guys r takin this small scene to seriously, u gota remember the guy who played the previous preditors is dead now, so the preditor is obviously gunna look diferent in this movie! plus they maybe toying with the concept that every preditor is different and have different personalitys and fighting styles? Another thing I noticed is that in most of the scene the action is slowed a bit, maybe to give us a longer look at the preditor and alien detail and could possibly be normal speed in movie!? I do admit I dont like the preditors action in that clip, but I'd wait to see the film b4 slaggin anything off    ???  



  >:D  hey excuse me but arent the blades and armor of the predator supposed to be acid proof?    >:D  why coudn't paul anderson make a good movie for once?!!! ud better hope that there will be no preds flying kicking an alien in slow motion in these movie! or even worse, vice versa!  we have been hoping for this movie to be made for a long long time now, and who gets to direct it? mr anderson...

smoky mcpot

smoky mcpot

WOW this movie looks awsome cant waight. Just one more week yes. WOW

Eternal Alien

Eternal Alien

I'm goin' to pull a Neo,here goes:"Whoa".That clip was F****** awsome,and the way the Predator's blade flips around,very new and inventive,and to think we're still a Predator movie short,yet of course the clip is not going to hava the quality of the movies yet but to me was good enough,the Alienthough like I said the sound is nasty on the net,sounds way better than in ALIEN RESURRECTION.For those who were protesting on the melting of the blades,think about this,these Preds are young,and the are there for their coming of age rituals if they survive at any cost then they become real hunters and get their upgraded weaponry,also in one of the trailers I saw a Pred with an Alien tail as a spear tip,I can't wait to see the movie,and though I hate Amalgamated Dynamics for destroying the Alien's look on this clip it looks half desent.Still I'm a bit nerveous,but can wait to see movie,and in reality for all the years of waitin' it's better than nothing....for the time being.

Darth Garuda

Darth Garuda

PG13 is 12A in the UK.  I am not ignorant.  I have seen Mortal Kombat before and that fight stinks of it.  The spinning the Alien bit was a ripp off of the the fight at the end of Blade II.  It doesn't have any of the style that the previous movies had.  Aliens have never brawled before, and this is how I imagined they'd do it.  Being thrown through walls?  The Alien crush like an egg shell in Aliens, why is this such a hardass.  The Predator is really small, chubby and that doesn't fight with there lifestyle.  They're suppose to be uninhibited so they have freedom to do aerobics we couldn't.  It wasn't very spectacular, I was expecting a giant fight, the one that has been hyped.



Well, thats fair enough Darth Garuda, if I sounded to steamed before then I aplogize, I just get feed up of people countlessily sending messages on this board and then trashing a movie BEFORE they'd seen it.  As mentioned before, I haven't seen the fight clip but from what most of the people say about it was quite decent PLUS what we saw WASN'T the final version, so will all see the final edition and what it looks and plays like.  With all the armor on AND costume weight the actor had to endure inside am suprised he was able to do HALF of the stuff that was required of him to do, could you picture him doing a backward flip in mid air with all that on??? pain city!  The Alien has always been quite strong. PA wanted to push the level of abilities required from these two creatures, their strengths. The Alien's armor has always been reowned for its toughness so maybe PA wanted to high light it to us in this way, its protective like casing.  That fight was kind of the introduction to what will all expect, once your in the cinema am sure all your negativeness torwards THAT clip will fade.   8)  

scar pred

scar pred

mybe the part when the predator cuts of the tail the starts to fight with him on the floor which is in the trailer of them turn n each other

scar pred

scar pred

you can see max in the fight in the net just after the alien jumps on the predator.

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