Alien/Predator Fight Sequence

Started by Darkness, Aug 04, 2004, 11:21:09 PM

Alien/Predator Fight Sequence (Read 34,690 times)



In regards to the sound quality and overall camera work, I gotta say this isn't a clip from the final movie.  The sound is in mono, which should be a very good indication of the origin of the clip.  You can't compare the sound quality in this clip to the final movie.  As for the sound effects, if the Aliens in the movie sound like squealing pigs, so be it.  It's close enough to be credible.  While I prefer the classic hissing in Aliens and Alien3, I'm not going to flame AvP for not utilizing the same sound scheme.  As for the Celtic Predator moving slowly... that goes with the size of the character.  The Celtic Predator is big.  Add to that the size/weight of the gear it's wearing and it's not inconcievable to move slowly.  If Celtic Predator moved with extreme agility and grace, it wouldn't look realistic.  The other Predators come in a variety of sizes, so I wouldn't worry too much.  In regards to the camera angles and other visual issues, this was probably a clip done specifically for a presskit versus an actual clip from the final cut of the film.  The decision to do this is probably to keep interest in the film high without divulding too much of whats going on.  I fully expect the fight scene in the final cut to utilize different camera angles than what we have here in this clip.  So keep an open mind people...



Thanks for the info Dogman, hey people, did anyone watch the special on HBO? I don't have Sky or Cable, so tell me was it the lick? ( thats ' good ' by the way)   ;D 

Reverend good man, been having problems downloading it, I don't have the reguirements avaible, not to worry man, from the majority reactions to this clip ....   ... MINDBLOWING!!   ;D     ;D 



I'm pretty sure this isn't the final cut.  Looks really, bland.  But, it'll look pretty on the big screen.  >_>;  I wasn't impressed. Nor was a I disappointed.  Well, maybe a little impressed... But, I wasn't like... "Whoa!"  All the clips from this fight in the trailers were like... Better looking.  Lighting and in quality.  You know?  So, I'm not too worried about it.

The Real Predator

The Real Predator

ADAM_JZ- are you impervious to intelligence??? i clearly stated and caught out the imposter that claimed to be me when they said this was an alien / predator hybrid. dont you hate when people dont read things and make stupid comments- doesnt bother me too much, mainly because your a f**king idiot who no-one likes on this because you always have something to complain about. your going to california?- STAY THERE you impotent filth munger  @saint sinner- what are you talking about you judgemental freak of nature? "aka mr fibber" whats that about, ive only ever divulged information that is true from my knowing... when you really "prove me wrong" ill salute you, but your going to have a problem there....  take care all...  Forte Fortuna Adjuvat..........-real pred

by the way....AMEN HELLALIEN  keep the faith in this movie people, and if it does actually suck, THEN start your bitching. but until then, chins UP.  There are plenty of fights in the movie and the climax is quite good.  Forte Fortuna Adjuvat..................-real pred



oberon you obviously haven't seen predator 1 or 2.



Although its good to see the fight scene i agree that it looks a little rough.   It looks like we are only seeing the start and end of the scene and there will be more action in the middle with better editing.  My hopes are still very high as i have been waiting for over 10 years for this.



LyricalPharaoh: It's obvious you're a hater, don't judge the film by this rough cut, come'on that's just lame man.  As I said last time this clip is cool, too bad I couldn't watch the special on HBo, since I don't have HBO.  Oh and btw, The Reverend: what's the point of all those smilies?



It looks good even if it's "beta" .  It looks that PA isnt doing those actions scenes in which you dont know whats happening - for which he is so famous about.    :)    And Lyrical : Man cant you see this is raw footage with some added sound and CGI. C Pred's moves are kinda slow,but well he is kinda big,even for a Pred    ;)  

admiral max

admiral max

exellent clip ive watched it like 20 times in half an hour on repeat  the only thing i dint like waqs the alien noses and the strainge colour of the alien blood it looked orange weird   ???    my hopes are up for this film being realy good cant wait to see the alien queen but the clip was still exellent i liked it when the alien jumped onto the pred at the start of the clip   :D     8)  

Darth Garuda

Darth Garuda

That Predator looks fat and heavy, the fight was useless no style at all.  If the rest of the fights are as bad as that this will be a major disappoinment.    Shit story, shit fights, PG and a crap movie.



Predgirl aka Lavon:  I think you got me wrong on the predator, I didn't mean that I hoped the preds looked the same like in 1 and 2, I was just using them as exmples about the armor and big deal though. I know the preds aren't going to be the same the preds in AVP look kick ass, but what I would of like to see was the preds using different styles of armor, exampe: like the preds that appeared at the end of pred2 you know? have a little mix in there. and the aliens gave you nightmares huh? LOL! thats funny, its all good though. I can't make up my mind about the two, i like both of them the same i guess. I'm wondering if some fight scenes are with a group of preds fighting aliens at the same time, besides that pyramid flash back, I hope they didnt do a pred and alien fighiting one on one for all the battles. I know that the queen chases them along with her horde, but actual fighting like we saw in the clip....that would be great to see, 1 on 1 through out the movie.....still great, but kind of crazy if they didn't do the group thing you know?



I have a question though. Why is that Predator called the Celtic Predator?



Im not sure why every body is getting so pissed at this fight clip i think it was well put together. Yes, there where some wierd sound effects and some other little mistakes but other than that it was great. every one thinks it's so easy to make a fight with a man in a rubber suit playing a pred and the same for the alien and at times its CG and others the alien is controled by robotics. There are so many thing that play in a film like this and i know for a fact that 99% of you could not even do better even if you wanted to so why dont you lay off anderson and let him do his job and you do yours and just shut up and enjoy.



Darth Garuda, don't be so DAMN ignorant?   >:D    1. The Predator is wearing FULL body armor, OBIVOUSILY he'll be bigger than before ... when a stunt man puts on a suit ( and that suit must have weighed ALOT, movement isn't going to exactly be very easy is it??  2.I haven't seen the fight so I can't judge properly or give MY opinion on it.  3.AGAIN!! AGAIN!!! and AGAIN!!!!! JUST BECAUSE THEY HAVE RATED THIS MOVIE PG-13 ( 15 in UK) WHAT THE HELL MAKES YOU THINK THAT IT WON'T BE VIOLENT??? Predator blood may be excepted beacuse it isn't human blood, human deaths occur probably less. FOX possibly rated the movie PG-13 because THEY know that THIS movie would be a major draw attraction. SO JUST GET OVER IT YEAH??   >:D    I don't know whether YOU said those remarks just to piss fans off but I really can't stand people like that,  Critisms good, no matter good or bad , but just to come out with BULL like that and give no explanation or reasons why, well ...   ...^$



LyricalPharaoh - Umm... yea... keep thinking that.  I've seen Pred and Pred 2 about as many times as I've seen the Alien movies (which is quite a lot).  So don't be making assumptions about people.....

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