Alien/Predator Fight Sequence

Started by Darkness, Aug 04, 2004, 11:21:09 PM

Alien/Predator Fight Sequence (Read 34,529 times)



There is an amazing one-minute fight sequence clip posted on Yahoo Movies where the Celtic Predator wrestles about with an Alien – getting his wristblades burnt off in the process but looks as if he’s completely destroying the Alien in melee combat.


30 Pictures are on the next page. Meanwhile let me know if anyone finds a download link for this clip. Thanks to SaNdMaNxX for the news.

Update: Here it is – a download link for the Celtic Predator vs Alien Fight. Thanks to HopeOfTheFuture for sending me the streaming link as I’ve now uploaded it to FilePlanet. I also don’t know why people are complaining so much about it. I thought it was a great clip. Some things seemed a bit strange but overall, I was definitely pleased with it.

Download: Fight Clip (2.5MB) (Courtesy of FilePlanet)
Download: Fight Clip (2.5MB) (Courtesy of Aliens Online)

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when the alien jumps in the air and stiks his tail into the ground... is it well done? because I can't see it very well!  someone answer please!



AGENT GLENN yes man it well done man trsut me



Look good or?    ???  



omg!! it kickass!! celtic could be a bit more agile but he's ok!! LOL!   ;D  



this is going to be f---cking great as i thought its going to be...



the actor in the pred outfit doesn't move like the original predator, that kind of sucks to me, but then again, this is only one fight and we haven't seen the pred in other fights........he gives me the impression too much of a guy in a suit rather than an alien beingm get me?



Is it me or does the Alien sound reall weird. It might just be me, but it doesn't sound right, not like its normal self ya know. The squeal sounds too piggish and not enough like the genuine Alien. Either way, the fight scene is shot great. The reason why I think it looks rough in some areas is because they edited stuff out to make it 1:00 in length, that's why. Also, Celtic doesn't roar near enough as he should I think in a fight that intense.



OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KICK ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



same here regarding the pred, expected more grunts, or anger coming from him, we'll see in the movie, god that was badass none the less...



ARghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that  was cool.. but yeah he doesn't use the predator "stance" from the first film.



looks kind of comical...and i didn't like the part where he cut the tail, that was weak...but other than that, i liked it.



The alien looks fantastic, every movment looks great even the cgi parts. the guy in the celtic suit is real stiff, seems only able to use his right arm too. Where he flips up also looks real iffy. i know the clips roungh cut and maybe they hadnt done any thing to celtic to make it look good like teh alien but when i see teh alien im thinknig dam that looks cool, when i look at celtic im thinkin a guy in a suit. his movments is very stiff, as i said b4 kevin peter hall was great in both movies giving the preds real charactor.

Bringer of Death

Bringer of Death

I dont know if any of you noticed this but the pred reverses the direction of his wrist blades to cut the aliens tail.Usualy they go out and down , in that they started like that but then did a 180 to point out and up.That was strange looking to say the least.Now what i think is retarded is why the hell wouldnt the preds come up with weapons and armor impervious to the acid ? makes no sences to me.Everything else looks great except the first time the pred jumps back up of the ground, it looked to man in a suitish but all in all im plesntly surprised with the outcome and feel this movie is seeming to have.



I think that clip from Yahoo, is a clip that late night shows / talk shows would use when an actor from the movie comes on the show.

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