This is a bogus rumor... probably created by some anti-AVP or anti-Anderson fanatic. The simple facts of the matter are this (my uncle is a producer and I took this "rumor" to him): The MPAA will only give a rating on a finalized cut of the film (all scenes and major special effects are in place). The final cut of the film may or may not include the finalized audio track (as this is typically the very last part of the movie completed). After a rating has been assigned, the movie cannot be edited without having to resubmit a new final cut to the MPAA for re-evaluation. If this should happen, the rating that was previously assigned would be removed and the movie rating would return to a "Rating Pending" status. This status would be reflected in all movie-related material in the form of updated posters, IMDB database entry, official movie website, and trailers/tv spots. That said, if this rumor was actually true, you would see updated movie posters bearing the "Rate Pending" branding on them within the next couple of days. You would also see the same branding on trailers/tv spots. As for internet content that can be changed on the fly, the "Rate Pending" branding would already have replaced the prior rating on the official movie website, IMDB database, and other internet-content relating to the movie. As of right now (8/6/2004 3:22pm), the official movie website and IMDB database both reflect a PG-13 rating.