AvP Not Finished For Cinemas?

Started by Darkness, Aug 06, 2004, 04:38:47 PM

AvP Not Finished For Cinemas? (Read 15,580 times)



This is interesting. According to IESB.Net, Alien vs Predator won’t even be ready for cinemas on August 13th because edits still need to be made.

“The studio is rushing the editors and the special effects houses to get this film ready by it’s target release date of August 13th but they are not confident that it will be done by opening day. To make things worse 20th Century Fox has had to cancel the Junket for the film because they know that the print will not be ready in time. Junkets are normally held 1 to 2 weeks prior of the release date so the journalists can see the film and interview the talent involved and finally review the film. Even the films Red Carpet World Premiere that was going to be held at the Grauman’s Chinese Theater in Hollywood on August 10th has been cancelled due to the same problem. So will we see AVP on the 13th? Maybe but it might not be the final version that the studio wanted the audience to see.”

So is it speculation or is there any truth to this rumour? I think it’s rubbish to be honest. The MPAA have already rated the final film and all the editing has been finished. Thanks to Chris and Bloody-Disgusting for the news.

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NNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I guess FOX read some of the shit on the net and decided to put some things back????? oh crap man, it has to be the 13th!!!!!!



lol! that sucks!!! for you americans... i have a 2 month delay... so don't moan...    :D  



Sounds like rubbish to me. It's been rated. They rate the finished film. There's noway this is true. I can't even find the news anywhere else.



It won't be the final version that the stuio wanted the people to see?????????? (probably??)  You got to be f**king kidding me!!!  IF THIS IS TRUE, then what? FOX is just going to throw anything out there?? oh hell no. or is it? I just want to see it already damn it!! but finished, nicely put together, not half assed....  ok ok, its a rumor, its a rumor, its a rumor, its all a rumor.....just a rumor.....



It's not just a rumour though. Rumours are atleast based in reality. This is drivel. The film is rated and for that is must be finished. The final cut must be submitted to the MPAA. They can't rate an unfinished cut. If that was realistic we'd see people inserting sex and violence into films after the the PG rating has been slapped on.  Don't even think about believing this.



Rumor is they have listened to the fans and want it re-edited to an R-rating...   ... I wish



Don't be such a baby, american. The european releases are still 2-3 months away. So don't tell me you're tired of waiting and such.



pulse went back to normal.......heart rate is ok.............breathing calmed down..........eye sight came back now..........  If that grand premier on the 10th really got canceled, then we're fu--ked. (USA wise). MPAA rating thing is right though, so, it can't be true.



HMmm, I don't know about this, but then again I don't care, cause my 2month later version will be finished either way.



Funny shit there Xirmatul, I take it you're from Europe? because you obviously don't seem to care, of course not, its still 2 months away!  Me, damn straight I can't wait, waited too damn long already for FOX to keep on playing games and not get their heads out their ass know what I mean?



It can't be true. If it was true AICN would be all over this.  "Anderson can't finish his shit movie."  Or simular. It's not there so. HOAX!!!



LOL, yeah man I think you're right because them pricks over at AICN would be all over this shit like flies on.....shit.



Just another BUM trying to steal this film's thunder. Shame on them. SHAME ON THEM ALL!!! I like how the source doesn't say where their info came from   :D  



Will we ever, just ONCE hear a good news about AvP!? Gosh!!!

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