HBO Programme Screenshots!

Started by Darkness, Aug 07, 2004, 12:00:13 AM

HBO Programme Screenshots! (Read 24,709 times)

Little Psycho 303

Little Psycho 303

And Lp, are you one of thouse hippy dippy fellas??   ???   Stop worring and just injoy the show!!!   8)     stay in hte light...for deamonds do waite for thouse who wonder



goddamnit i hate gamespy so frekin much

Shadow of FUS

Shadow of FUS

File not found..... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ......... WHAAAT?!?!?!!!



some one post it not for download i cant join file planet!



word, i coulndt find the file either, when, in a state of weakness, i was GOING TO JOIN GAMESPY and FILE PLANET!   CONSPIRACY! sadfkuhasdf  someone get a REAL host for this thing, PLEASE



Hey Adam, what's the date for the premier again?  The 10th?



This special is f*cking amazing....  the movie is gonna kick ass....



Wow, the 10th is what..Tuesday?  Wow, that's soon.  I wonder if he'd be able to post up a short mini-review after he sees it, or at least his general thoughts.






Many, many thanks Darkness and UltraBeast for getting this clip online for us to see.  :)




Fresh Alien Terds

Fresh Alien Terds

Things I didn't like about the clip:  1)The egyptian woman or whatever culture she is....the clothing looked like something out of a star trek episode.  And is she caucasian??What the hell? 2)The facehugger slowly crawling(hovering???) on her face....what the heck was it walking on air?? 3)The tiny crawl spaces.....if the preds built the pyramid or had it built for their rituals...then why would they design crawl spaces that an 8ft pred couldn't fit in?? 4)The shuriken.....half of the shuriken does not have blades...pretty understandable since the pred could slice off his hand by extending more blades...however physics would not allow a smooth swirling motion through air since one side is naturally heavier! 5)O.k. ummm acid on the shuriken before he catches it again...duh!!!!  6)Face hugger split in half....ummm o.k....can you say no acid?  What the heck? Oh maybe that's why he could catch it again without burning his hand.  Oh wait a minute..NO ACID...AHHH!!!  And it wouldn't oxidize that fast...don't use that as an excuse! 7)Alrighty I'm Scar and I'm badass 'cause I just caught a took a bath before I caught blood from "you know who's" chest.  I'm in luck, no mess for me! Woo! 8)O.k. preds can cloak and kick ass!  Then why the hell do they keep showing themselves????  Oh wait maybe they conveniently lost the ability to do so by getting sprayed with water or something...wait no that's not the answer since I read the book.  Geeze, you have the power, use it and kill some Aliens!! 9)TO be continued!



uhhh preds have crazy technology, theres probably a computer in that thing for flight much more advanced than the stuff in our newest jets, which wouldnt be able to fly without a computer CONSTANTLY making corrections.  id imagine preds dont cloak when fighting aliens cause aliens could see them anyway  and about the blood on the shuriken, maybe the shurikens are resistant to the blood and the blood just flings off them, like water on a rain-x'd windshield



1) Good luck finding an authentic Incan, or someone that looks like one. 2) Ive looked over that, and I think its already on the persons face, just the legs arent wrapped around yet so it seems the Facehugger is hovering. 3) Perhaps they were built for the Aliens to travel? Have the Predators on the edge of their seat wondering which passage an Alien might pop out of? 4) The Shuriken may have been made out of some alloy that the Preds discovered in space? 6) I admit there shouldve been acid, but as said in my previous statement... blades so sharp it cauterizes(sp?) on contact? 7) Not a facehugger, a chestburster... shows how much you know bout Aliens. For all you know it probly isnt "fresh" and had time to molt a set of its skin? Aliens do molt ya know? 8) Humans are just toys to them, so thats how they treat them... as toys, untill deemed fit to throw away. If youve played the AVP games then you know the Aliens have a highly advanced sense of detecting things, Preds have been fighting these suckers for years they probly know if cloak works or not.



A note about cloaking, let me just quote the original AVP comic book:  "Invisibility. That's how the "warriors" had gotten past our defenses. But invisibility has little meaning to creatures with no eyes."

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