HBO Programme Screenshots!

Started by Darkness, Aug 07, 2004, 12:00:13 AM

HBO Programme Screenshots! (Read 24,622 times)



hey heavy metal good post man nice and desent it true alot negativity here and sonetimes including my self we loose our kool so iz always to have someone that can post something nice to relax us lol

El Demonio Cazador

El Demonio Cazador

I's just that we want this movie so bad that we want it to be perfect and that's why we sometimes could be very critical... but it's called passion!! and I'm sure by the end of the day we'll love the movie and watch it many times!! I mean, who honestly doesn't watch AR eventhough it mostly sucked? Well, AVP is gonna be much much better even with the PG 13 and s**t....  So!! we're almost there!!   Saludos!



Woah I saw it again!  Scar swinging the Queen by her chains!   ;D    PS-Nice try Darkness   ;)  



even dough im not a big fan of alien i liked AR i got thhe alien quadrilogy and the 2 predators by the way i got the collecters edition  yesturday     ;D  

The Reverend

The Reverend

I HAVE SEEN THE QUEEN    :)     ;D     ;D     :)     ;D     ;D     :)     ;D     ;D     :)     :)     :D     :D     8)     8)     8)      :)     :)     :D     :D     ;)     ;)     ;D     ;D     :)     :)     :)  



ok i dont get this one, why does the predator's blade melt when he cuts the Alien's tail, but he can hold an Alien head upon his spear without acid melting the weapon and dripping onto himself. other than that the Head on the Spear does looks cool.  second, why is there blue electricity when the Predators de-cloak on their dry ship. there isnt supposed to be that electricity unless snow or water is in contact with the cloak.  third, too bad, apart from the new footage this special was just the featurettes combined into one.  third, when the aliens eat the screen, you knwo when they jump at us and look like they almost take a bite out of the camera, they just dont look like aliens, more like dogs.  and i can't get over that stupid line - "you ugly...sonofa...bitch" could a line get a worse delivery? its a ruined line anyway.

Heavy Metal Spike

Heavy Metal Spike

Hey - LP ...... (that used to bee 'long playing record' back in my days - heh heh heh).  Congrats on the 1st negative post to this thread - you must be soooo happy     ;D    The reason for the acid not burning - if you knew your films - the 1st alien movie says clearly that it oxidises after a while (remember where the facehugger acid stops short of burning through the nostromo?)  Other points - can't comment until I've seen the blimmin' thing.   Oh - and it goes "first/second/third/fourth" NOT "first/second/third/THIRD"  wassamatter dude - got a stutter ???!?!?!   ;D    So after me : "A" is for apple "B" is for ball "C" is for some cocksucker really needs to get his head out of his arse ...   Aaaayneyhewwwww - later dudes     :D  



LyricalPharaoh.....Maybe the pred prepared the alien head first just like Scar does for Lex's shield.  Naaah, it's just another plot hole.  But who cares, it looks cool.



Woohoo guys!  Jeepers I made the trip and holy cow I'm here!  Thank God for internet cafe's.  Wee hoo!  Gosh golly darn!   :D  



About the alien head on the spear; remember in aliens, Bishop explained that the alien blood neutralized after death, so kill an alien, and after a bit the body is no longer dangerous.  Just while alive they're still dangerous to kill at close range.  BTW, thanks for the clip!  I was able to record it, but it's nice to actually have it on my computer.



nah i dont remember or i wouldnt have brought it up. thanks for the heads up.  On the Planet I come from we count 1,2,3,3,4,5,6,7,8,9...  and what about LyricalPharaoh? is it a song? or an artist? let me know.  Peace.



LP, that "stupid line" is a tribute to the first Predator film, and I think that did sound genuinely pissed.  The elecitricity around the Predators when they decloak, it looks like a cool effect to me, and is NOTHING to nitpick about.  And about the Aliens acting like dogs, how do you expect them to act?! They all want a piece of them Predators and theyre scramblin as fast as they can to get them as one single horde. If you watched Aliens... they seemed determined to get through those Sentry Guns to get the Marines, dog-like tenacity... would you say??



nah i dont remember or i wouldnt have brought it up. thanks for the heads up.  On the Planet I come from we count 1,2,3,3,4,5,6,7,8,9...  and what about LyricalPharaoh? is it a song? or an artist? let me know.  Peace.

Little Psycho 303

Little Psycho 303

YAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.. ...all i have to freaking say is that and its set. This movie is going to kick some a$$!!!! And i think all of thouse edators can shove there pencils up there asses along with there clip boards if they said that avp will suck. They should all go home and die by choking on tooth past! HA take that TSN!!!!!!!!! And i would like to thatnk the people at avp galaxy for making this open ot everyone to watch.   I think that Paul will do us good and make everyone proud!!!!   Stay in the light....for deamonds do waite for thouse who wonder.



i wish someone would host it...i HATE gamespy  *continues whining, in a whiny, shrill, peircing voice* dslfjhkfjdhcvcb

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