HBO Programme Screenshots!

Started by Darkness, Aug 07, 2004, 12:00:13 AM

HBO Programme Screenshots! (Read 24,626 times)



hehe - no prob man.  If you got a scanner be sure to scan some of what you draw so we can all see it.  ;-)

Roadkill Xeno

Roadkill Xeno

Here's what I think that scene with Lex going: "It's time to pick a side".  Lex: "It's time to pick a side"  Max: "Side?" <Max and Quinn locks and load> Max and Quinn: "Ours"



OberonQA, about the shot of the Predator mothership flying over the whaling station- First of all, Sebastian is already in the pyramid so I believe that guy is Quinn. Secondly, I doubt 2 predators would actually stay behind on the mothership while the others simply landed in pods. I don't find the logic in that. It's more than likely that the ship is just down a low flyby just before actually sending out the landing pods for Scar, Celtic and Gill. I believe this is also mentioned in the novel.

Darth Garuda

Darth Garuda

Where the hell did all the aliens come from?  There was only a small band of people seen going into the pyramid.  Are these the ones that overwhelmed the Predators in the past.  Effects look ok.  Hope it's good, I'll be going to see it either way.  Y'know just to seem them again.



All the shots with the 3 predators on the pyramid and the hordes of aliens are from the portions of the film that occur in the past, like Paul Anderson explained in the first featurette.



Man!!! I knew this site wouldn't let me down!!! Got to see the special afterall (no HBO). Anyway, AVP looks better and better with the new shit I see. Already bought the Predator's CE DVD this weekend and got my AVP ticket ready!! 5 more days man, 5 more days!!!  This movie is going to be the best movie of my life (up to now, we'll see AVP2!!!)



Hey predguy, of course its logical man. I mean damn, the pods looked like they were dropped from very high altitude, almost upper atmosphere. So why then would the ship bother to do a fly-by, then climb back to that altitude again, dont make much sense. Guess you forgot that the book mentions five Preds huh. Nice try, but you didn't get very far with your theory either.



Well, I don't know - it's just my opinion. The way I see it, that's how it happens. You might see it a different way. In fact, in special, the shot where you see the 3 pods visibility isn't all that great to begin with. You might be right, but then again the only way we could be sure it's to watch the movie.  I still feel it's odd that Paul Anderson has said that there are going to be 5 preds, the novel says there are 5 and we've only seen 3. If there are more predators, I really want to see them.

scar pred

scar pred

two predators probly stay on top out side like the elder predator and three go into the piramid.



Dogman, got a ticket for me?   ;D  

El Demonio Cazador

El Demonio Cazador

I already have my tickets for the Midnight show on Thursday!! I'm very excited!! The wait is over!!! the Cool thing is that on Saturday I'm going to Wizardworld Chicago and I'm sure it'll be loaded with AvP stuff!!  Saludos



When it shows here in the UK , I going to go the late night showing, THE LATEST!!!     heh! heh! heh! THIS FILM IS GOING TO LITERALLY RAISE THE ROOF OFF ...   ... COM - PLET - E - LY!   ;D  



okey i just want to get this straight scar predator is a pretty cool prdator but celtic will beat the shit out of him how come everybody on this website like scar more.We all now how scar predator dies he has a chest burster in him.



Guys you can see one of the unkown Preds in the trailer.... He's the one with the technology built in the mask shown in the featurettes. In the trailer it's the Predator getting held down by a couple of aliens and there is Green blood everywhere. You can see the technology part of his mask for a split second (1:55 seconds in) when his head turns and I know it's not Scar because of the missing middle armor plate. Scar Pred also has bones and skulls aroudn his neck while I don't see any one this one. It's also the same Predator that cuts the face hugger in half.



Celtics the don   ;D   I suppose were all looking at how far the film pans out, seeing more of the Scar Pred. in action is hyping alot of people up, I LOVE 'EM BOTH!

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