Thanks ULTRA!! Thanks Darkness!!! You know guys...when I first heard about this movie being made I got so HYPED!! I couldn't wait...then during the course of the months I was excited sometimes, then Skepctical some others...up and down, I've criticized Paul and Fox some others, and Gillis and Woodruff, and I guess I'm kind of and Old School guy, I love Ridley Scott, HR Giger Stan Winston....James Cameron...but you know what!! ITS 2004, And P.A. has done a movie for 2004!! A different concept, enchanced different creatures, and by the looks of it ACTION PACKED MAYHEM!!! I don't care anymore if it's PG-13 I don;t care anymore that Giger or Winston aren't involved, I just want to see this guys RUMBLE THE MOVIE SCREEN And seems like that's gonna happen!!! IM EXCITED ABOUT THIS!! AVP RULES!!!! I'M ALL HYPED AGAIN!!!! JUST 6 DAYS TO GO!!!!!