AvP Face Off Video Clip

Started by Darkness, Aug 10, 2004, 12:38:55 AM

AvP Face Off Video Clip (Read 27,710 times)



Hey, I hope that the Gill pred already killed someone.  He has a trophy on his back if you notice it, a skull on a stick.  Crazy.  Hope he doesn't look bad-a$$ for nothing.  I agree with J saying that preds and the aliens should be equal.  I love the preds guys, but it kinda would have sucked if only aliens died. Then the movie should have been called Alien Killed by Predator.  Right.  So there needs to be somewhat of an equal playing field. The preds want a challenge.  So yeah, 2 days 2 go.  Damn.  I don't know what is up w/ the premiere cancellation though. I'll probably go to a movie theater some time later today to get movie tickets for Friday night, and I'll let you all know what I've heard about the time.  I may have said this before, but I will go.  O'YEah BTW, this face off cliff is right before the alien/celtic pred fight.  Celtic looks over cuz he heard something, and looks over to where his pred homie was, switches from scanning infrared, to whatever he sees the aliens w/, and see the alien.  Unlike the humans, when the pred sees the aliens, they appear green.  It looks cool. Than they throw-down. RARRR!!!!  O



I finaly just realized who that predator who gets a tail through him it Elder you can tell by the mask on his shoulder



Am glad you agree with me Baseman.  [bWE [/b] ( the audience) always needs to feel taken back, startled everytime. Of course am going to want the Preds rip open Alien cans all over but then I want the Aliens to show us why they are the most deadily spieces, thats what we've all come to expect, a grudge match up with both using their attributes to the max.   Paul Anderson seems to have known this so all we can have know is faith.

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