AvP Face Off Video Clip

Started by Darkness, Aug 10, 2004, 12:38:55 AM

AvP Face Off Video Clip (Read 28,016 times)



i didnt notice wires hangin sebastian up

Heavy Metal Spike

Heavy Metal Spike

Damn- tried to post this earlier, but the crap-slow server et the blimmin’ thing!  Aneyhhooooooooooo ….. here I am at work trying to catch up on all the posts.  Don’t know if any of the rest of you had noticed, but most sites have picked up and acknowledged the new clips – with one notable exception – our often negative/sarcastic buddies over at “AintItCoolNews”!  Maybe they are sitting awestruck – or maybe it’s that they don’t want to admit how friggin’ AWESOME these clips are  Muhhaaahaaahaaaahaa  What with the cancellation of the premier and stuff, I can’t help thinking that this might not be down to Paul ‘tweaking’ at all – it could actually be the best marketing ploy EVER devised – let me elucidate eruditely (hey – try saying that with a mouthful of cornflakes!) ……  1) Allow negative comments to circulate well in advance of the release date, causing fans to be up in arms, creating lots of stink and leaving us desperate for ANY news that the thing stands half a chance of being decent. 2) Don’t explain the PG13 (ditto result). 3) Don’t explain the lack of press screenings or the preview being cancelled (ditto result). 4) Release 2 KILLER clips just 4 days before the opening – that show we don’t need to worry about the PG13 and that the thing looks friggin’ AWESOME - suddenly generating HUGE waves of positiveness about the movie. 5) Cut out the Eggbert & Ropetricks of this world (film critics) by not allowing them to savage the thing before its opening weekend. 6) Let the web community and the press work themselves into a tizzy with all the rumours and gossip, generating WAY more publicity than the normal route would do on it’s own.     I mean – dunno about you – but I’m WAY more psyched about this than I was a week ago – so it’s worked on me!  So – this COULD be a genius move that’ll cover their costs in bums-on-seats in the first week – but WTF do I know!!!  Watdya think? - Later dudes.     ;)  



Just after we see seb in pred vision,we see lex with pred and seb in the background, wire hanging sebastian off the ground.  Has absolutley no effect on the films final quality whatsoever tho, if it wernt for this dam frame by frame feature on quicktime nobody would ever notice.



Paul Anderson did us AVP fans JUSTICE!!   I loved ALIEN for over a decade,  but I want to see the preds win, cause there more honorable, majestic hulking warriors, and are intelligent. I think a good scene for the movie would be if ONe PRED took on like a DOzen ALIENS !!!!! and kicked ass, but then died in battle cause the pred was young, foolish, and hasn't seen much battle!  then they show the broken tusk fight and his moves are swift and elligant, and kick ass !!!!1 I would be in heaven...   I have an 8 foot alien 3 prop in my house that would have been perfect for the movie...



Thats a great point there Heavy Metal Spikes, a plan to rally us up - and then before you know it THEY GO IN FOR THE KILL ( release loads of information on the movie to entice us again) ...  ... FOX knows what their doing, their smiling at us ...   ... they know!!!  AICN are ashamed of themselves. They have no right to even open their mouths on the movie, bunch of sorry good for nothings!



I wanted this thing to come from time! I been ridin the AVP bus along while!!   ;D  



Heavy Metal SPike:  I don't know if it was intentional or not, but that does seem to be what is happening as a result.  The only problem with that way of thinking is that it only applies to internet fans like us.  The average person doesn't know about these awesome clips and only sees that the movie is in trouble of not meeting its release date, which means (in their eyes) that's it's going to be half-assed and incomplete.  Unfortunetly, the truth is far from this.



I saw the clip, and just loved it!!!! Sanaa Lathan looks hot and tough and so does the rest of the cast. I may not see the movie opening day, but I'll see it the following day. This movie is going to be da bomb!!!



Paul Anderson should feel proud, I wouldn't blame him if   When the movie succeeds to say I TOLD YOUR ASSES SO!  THE GUY HAS SURELY GONE TO HELL AND BACK TRYING TO MAKE THIS MOVIE TO SATISFY ALL OF US, (especially with the time and money he had)   8)  



From some early posts, why do people say the preds armour arent that strong? THe pred that gets impaled doesnt have armour through its abdomen area like scar, so basically the tail just went through normal pred flesh, and not armour. Other than that, both scenes are just.....flawless, love the bit when celtic hamemrs the alien and throws him LOL. Anyways go PREDS!!! (aliens are still cool) and may AVP be a success.



I hope atleast one preds wins and theres a showdown with scar vs grid or the queen. Peace



Remember in Alien 3 were an aliens host was a dog and the alien had dog like figures, well maybe some aliens get a characterisic from their hosts.( i dont mean the aliens host has a larger dick.Lol) Maybe the alien got a tail bone characterisic from the host or the host had a large tail bone and that could be past down to the alien.(thats the bone inbetweeen your ass chicks, im not fag) lol. Or maybe that was grid and he has a longer tail than normal. These are my theaories.



i'm new to this kind of forum thingy, but i must really thank whoever posted the links to the clips here. the clips were totally AWESOME! i used to be a moderate AVP fan, but right now it's gonna be different. it changed my entire view of these 2 races! paul anderson really knows how to make nice films to fancinate the AVP fans.    :)  



After seeing this clip I know that alien vs predator is going to be absolutely amazing



It's a nice clip but a predator getting killed by one Alien thats not right usually predators are killed by tons of Aliens and heres another thing is elder predator really dead I've seen predators survive tails through the chest

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