AvP Face Off Video Clip

Started by Darkness, Aug 10, 2004, 12:38:55 AM

AvP Face Off Video Clip (Read 28,010 times)



ye i think its pretty cool, tho that game blew big time,



aaawwww man, you got to be kidding me? blew? I thought it was geat, although more levels would of been better. Anyway.........WHY THE f**k ISN'T AVP ON MY THEATER'S MOVIE LIST FOR AUG 12 OR 13 ALL THE WAY UP TO THE 15TH!!!!!!!!!????????????? #(*^$)(*^*&@$_@*#^$_(*@#^)(@#^ fuljfkjfnasojkh8q73250u !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  whats the deal with the world premier today? is it still good or what!!!?????? anyone????? info???? did the movie really get delayed????



Where the Hell is the Scar Predator in this clip?



I also agree theres no way an alien can take out a pred.  And no way it can even sneak up on one.  Pred is perfect hunter, it sees and hears everything,.

admiral max

admiral max

WOW thats all i can say   ???  



To those that wondered why the pred didn't do anything before he got killed off, and seem to complain that the scene made the pred look weak....ever stop to think that the alien tail paralyzed his ass?? I mean, it went through his back, I think the tail got some spine or some shit. That, and NO the pred does not have the shoulder cannon so it couldn't use that either. YES the pred had the sword looking thing but couldn't move because of what i just mentioned......



thats treu gdog, in the game of avp you also got paralazied by the tail of a Alien. Good point.



and now again, with my wrong sentense thats true G-dog, in the game of avp you also get paralyzed.



All this talk of Aliens suppose to be crap ... BULLSHIT!   I am a fan of Predators, yes BUT I love the Aliens just as well ( ok, I know I always badger the fans on it claiming the Preds are the best, but I both respect the spieces each)   I DON'T WANT THE PREDS TO GET AN EASY RIDE ON THIS, THEY HAVE TO WORK DAMN HARD TO   PROVE WHY THEY ARE THE BEST!  Aliens are strong, vicious, RAVENOUS,   INTELLIGENT beings that can never be fooled, I hate to admit it but they can be just as crafty as the Preds.   In the end I want THIS to be a GREAT match up, as with everyone else here, I DON'T WANT THE PREDS TO KILL EVERYSINGLE ALIEN AND NOT COME OFF SCARED THEMSELVES, it would take away the competitiveness out of it ...  ... THATS WHAT  WE'VE ALL COME TO LOVE AND RESPECT the grudge match where it can go right or wrong for each spiecies, I want this combatants to be equally as good as each other, highlighting both their weakness + strengths when coming to blows   ;D    thats all me got ta say,  ( Dogman, what, NO TICKET FOR ME, AWWWW MAN, you suck!!   ;D   peace bro)



Ya know what I REALLY love? The new cloaking effect. Or more specifically when they decloak. It's so OTT, way beyond what we've seen.



f**king incredible.  I love everything about this clip except one thing, the wires holding sebastian off the ground.  Still this is the best piece of avp footage ive seen so far.  Im in love with this movie already :D



Truly awesome tidbit,however my only gripes is that cheezy squish sound when lex gets tossed towards that pillar and when Celtic bodychecks the alien(same cheezy squish). Oh and ya I think the Alien's tail is WAY to long.This movie is going to be sweet    ;D     ;D     ;D     ;D  



About the alien's tail being too long...........same thing here like that complaining about the pred being weak because he has a freaking RAZOR sharp tail penetrating his body through his BACK and making him paralized...........the tail in that scene does look damn long, but then again, look at the alien in alien 3. If you got the Alien 3 figure from McFarlane's Movie Maniacs 6, you'll see that his tail is pretty damn long too, and knowing McFarlane, he does shit right. So, if you think about that, it seems right afterall. Now if they show the alien pop out with a shorter tail in the next scene with that same alien, then there's something they messed up on. Now the question here to all of you nit picking at this marvelous movie is: are you there to make sure they are 100% logical about every aspect of the alien and predator or are you there to see some ass kickings being passed around??? thank you....  And funny there J, I haven't dissed Paul on the movie quality itself, the only time I was really upset was about that rating deal or thinking that he let FOX f**k up the movie somehow.........if i remember right, i'm sure i've gone off the edge here and there, but above all, what have I been saying about AVP all along? wait......you hear that??..............*ding*..........dropped the dime on me dawg! LOL! its all good J.    8)    Vamp....LOL!!! thats messed up man, hope you kicked some ass, then again, if you're banned, why is this site still letting you post from your ip address deal? (don't know about computers much but I think you get what I am trying to say).



I know you didn't Dogman, I was only playing.   I just keep watching that fight clip over and over, MAN gets sweeter and sweeter ( I can't wait to see the final clip)   The camera shaking up and down of the struggle between the two.  Close ups of certain perspectives highlighting the inbetween moments.  If these are things that we will see then let the good times roll!     :) 



I was really afraid of the lightning turning out to be a problem on this movie, but it seems to be one of it's big qualities. The lightning is perfect and it shows us the creatures exactly the way we want to see them.  I also still admire the type of action that Paul Anderson is doing on this movie, where the action scenes seems to progress the story, and not some pointless action as seen in spiderman, matrix reloaded and other movies lately.  I can't stop watching it either!   ;D  

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