I just watched this movie tonight and came home dissapointed to say the least. Paul Anderson completely ignored the fact that Black Horse even exists. I would expect that a director could make a movie longer than 100 min, considering the massive amount of money he was given. I wont even go into the flaws that made me, as a fan of the comics/games/og movies, want to cry. The movie was basicly just one big action sequence, with no break for story or character development that so made the older movies good. It was just another b movie, thats going to make gobs of money. Something like AvP should have been more ther-ally (sp) thought out, and not just made w/ a story line that was thought up in like 10 min, with the knowledge that no matter what the story, they will make lots of money. Ok, i know im starting to rant, im just kinda upset. The good things: I did like some of the scenes w/ the predators using their weapons and technology, those were cool. I liked how the three preds had personalized masks, that makes sense. Also, i think when *(spoiler) (spoiler)* lex teams up w/ the pred, thats kinda comic book like, and also makes sense according to the situation. Preds arnt stupid, and would not turn down help from someone who just killed an alien. Thats about it for what i liked. This movie just had way to much visual noise, and whats w/ the aliens going from face-hugger to adult alien in like, under an hour? Again, another example of a rushed, un-thought out story line, typical of PA. Well, you may agree or disagree, but this movie over all is less than the origanals, I challenge anyone to disagree on that point, but I just didn't see good movie making. I'll give it a 2 out of 10 only cause i thought some of the pred scenes were interesting at best. But nonetheless, a sad day for AvP.