AvP 15-Certificate for UK?

Started by Darkness, Jul 24, 2004, 10:34:24 PM

AvP 15-Certificate for UK? (Read 18,932 times)



The official site and the MPAA site does not have it rated yet.



El Demonio Cazador, shut the f**k up...its not like paul anderson had a choice, Fox and the editors and the MPAA make the desision, I mean comon! the pelican bried, and conspiricy theroy were R and they should have been PG! you can never trust the ratings these days, There are plenty of mildly gory, scary, and great PG-13 movies out there, Hell if you took all of the language out of aliens, it would be PG-13, maybe R.  But watch the movie before you judge it.



I just saw the trailer on the G4 tech channel and it specifically says: This film is not yet rated.  So there.

El Demonio Cazador

El Demonio Cazador

Adam: Paul did have a choice, NOT accepting the project.... that's exactly what I was talking about!!! He didn't have the power to make the movie he "wanted" instead he goes for the credit and the money....just becuase it's cool to direct an Alien/Pred movie... Don't be stupid.... And you're talking about Drama movies wtf???... this is Sci Fi Horror.... besides if the movie is indeed the same as the novel, it's not gonna be the real deal, a cool one of course, but a light verision



I just hope we see Predator and Alien blood flying EVERYWHERE! Just like in the book.  ;D  



ITS R! just found out! the major theatre company cinemark who runs most of the theaters in teh US has posted on its website that teh movie is R! look at www.cinemark.com. problem: the movie is only an hour and a half.

Zach Wachob

Zach Wachob

I just saw a commercial for AvP not two minutes ago on the SciFi Network and it said that the film was not yet rated



To people who still see the 'this film is not yet rated" sign...  I bet Fox got sick of people asking about the rating, so they rushed the new commercial out to the fox related stations to give the fans the final proof they need. (then just let all the other stations and the official website lag behind). The rating was *most definitely* there during MadTV(fox)'s commercial break.



I just saw that exact same tv spot on Mad TV and indeed it said pg-13.  I'm at a lost for words.  I'm so pissed right now that I could go on a rampage.  I was hoping that AVP was gonna get an R-rating so that we could see some serious bloodshed, but now that looks highly unlikely.  I don't know about any of you, but I did not wait 14 years to see a watered-down Alien/Predator movie that could have been decent. This is terrible news, especially for gore maniacs like myself.  C'mon this is ALIENS & PREDATORS going to war with humans in the middle- how can you possibly have little or no chestbursting, spine ripping, acid blood, brains getting pierced with wristblades, intestines getting torn from the bodies, all with a PG-13 rating and still expect to be a good entertaining movie?  Exactly, YOU CANT!!!  So, it wouldn't surprise me one damn bit if we, (as loyal fans), walk into AVP, watch it, and come out of the theater very dissapointed.  But you know what, nobody is really to blame except those damn *sshole Fox execs.  I wish death upon each and every one of them who agreed to make AVP a PG-13, and damn everybody to hell who supported a PG-13.  You know, if Fox didn't want to make this for the fans and just wanted to make money off of "the new generation" (the younger audiences, then they should've never even bothered of making it in the first place.


oh im happy they are just making the film but i still say it aint gunna be pg13 ..oh and by the way some ideot is sellling a v p dvd on ebay what a tw*t


torch its all about money alien was only made because star wars was a hit.. and they had the script for alien alot longer than star wars

Evan Burt

Evan Burt

Are you sure the trailer didn't say "August 13th"? I've seen tons of tv spots for AVP lately (non of which mention a rating).



u know...shit happens.


guys iv just seen the tv spot and it say not rated you can all so down load it

roger that

roger that

dont believe everything that you read in the internet  just wait for the official announcements.

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