Well here in northern Virginia its Fox 5, but I doubt it matters, just watch some tv and youll see it. \"well guys look at it this way, what rating can you give two aliens dismembering themselves? Green blood isn\'t technically real blood\" ^exactly, ive been saying this all along. As soon as it was rumored to be PG13 months ago I wasnt all that disapointed. Sure, id prefer R but whatever...we see a chestbursting through predator vision. And this is ALIEN vs PREDATOR....thats what we want to see aliens and predators fighting. The humans are just fodder. Sure I want them to see as much blood and gore as possible, but remember, this is an action film with horror undertones. Not the other way around. Too many people hear AvP and they make up this whole idea in their head of what the movie should be. \"well alien, aliens, A3, AR, Predator, and P2 were rated R, therefor avp will\" - this was always the funniest argument. It just goes to show you also, avp is a different kind of movie. We have been told over and over its action oriented, just watch the trailers and see the huge explosions, the slow mo of the predator throwing the alien, the super long wrist blade extensions....does that look SCARY to you? No, its pulse pumping excitement, which is why PG13 can work. And I know the site says its not rated, and
mpaa.org still doesnt have it listed up, but how long will you people ignore the facts? It was on the end of the trailer I saw on tv, trust me, its real.