PG13 Official Very Soon...

Started by Darkness, Jul 25, 2004, 10:47:39 PM

PG13 Official Very Soon... (Read 21,556 times)



Damn. This is the news I was expecting. My source who wishes to be credited as ‘AvPbuff’ works for Fox, has returned my email just now and he confirms that it is PG13. The Official AvP Website will be updated VERY SOON according to the source. I’m limited to what I can post here but here are his thoughts on the matter:

“I know lots of fans are going to be disappointed by this but truthfully, knowing what I know about movies, studios, and the entire process of making a movie come to life and into the theatres, I can tell you that it's never as clear cut as "˜the director decided it should be PG13'. The studio funds the movie and really the best way to get most people into the theatre is to get it a PG13 as opposed to R rating. Of course, most fans won't know this and will automatically blame Paul Anderson and scream up and down it needs to be R rating.”

And before you say, this isn’t true etc… the person quoted above is a very reliable friend of mine. As an extra, we should also be getting Paul Anderson’s thoughts on this soon.

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Not good news at all but if it is true then hopefully there will be a director's cut dvd.  On another note, over at AVP forums, someone claiming to be a cinema projectionist in the US says they have just recieved their scheduling sheets for august and it has alien vs. predator at a running time of 134 minutes, which is excellent. He says the sheets are 90% accurate and are usually only 2 or 3 minutes out.  Course this cud all be bollocks tho.



The running time thing is good. I just cant imagine a film like this being PG-13. The violence between the Aliens and Predators will hopefully not be slimmed down.  This is all a ploy by fox to get more money. All the fans see the "light" version of this film. Then the dvd comes out and they all buy that. 1 year later they release the unrated version and everybody buys that. Fox gets the most money out of this, and hopefully it will lead to a potential sequal.



Darkness can you ask your friend if he can tell about the lenght of the movie? because I think it's quite important.. The lenght of this movie! could you?



word  i cant wait to hear PA's thoughts on it, and i also want an official running time, 134 would be awesome, hopefully PA can fill is in on that, too.



well this is disapointing news to say the least...i wanted it to be rated r but what can i do? at least the running time is 2+ hours...i'm just a pathetic fanboy and yes i will see the movie multiple times and buy both is stealing all my sucks..

Corpral Hicks

Corpral Hicks

the creature gore doesnt count too badly against the rating and this film is about the creatures not us, so it shudnt be!



you can delete this message if you want but if this is true the producers of fox are a butch of corperate WANKERS! and if it is pg 13 f**k it im gunna get a pirate copy so f**k the lot of them!! sorry for the bad language and bad spalling but im realy pissed off roll on 2 week at the car boot thats what i say they not havin any of my money i can tell you that!! iv been lookin forword to this movie for a long just hoping you r wrong darkness i really am



damn it. i just feel... cheated.... mislead. just hope effects are good now, since there wont be much gore. i still stand by the 2 franchises the same though. he just made them into something they are not.



instead of voting about how many people want PG-13 or R,lets vote how many people want PAUL ANDERSON fired! man this just keeps on getting better and better,here ahhahahahah im thinking that FOX wanted it PG-13 hHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! it WAS PAUL ANDERSON that wanted it PG-13!, man ooooooooo man,MR PAUL anderson you didnt it again YOU MOTHER F__KER,i just want to thank you PAUL for making ever bad thought and feeling come true.



hey at least we get to see the site soon too see why the rated the movie pg 13 hopefully it says frequent intense scenes of violence



U also have to remember that the humans are relegated to third party in this, i think it will be aiken to the first Predator and they will all be dead by just over the halfway point of the movie. The main event of the battles between the creatures there will be gore aplenty, but florecent green blood and yellow acid ain't that scary to see so a pg-13 may not mean no gore. Someone said earlier bout evil dead 2 and the green blood keeping the rating down, we may see a similar thing here. Any human gore however...when an alien strikes i think it will be similar to cameron's approach of showing the inner jaws about to strike then cutting away, any graphic pred attacks on the humans will prob be shown in pred vision, as will the chestbursting.

Corpral Hicks

Corpral Hicks

did u even read wat the report said? it wasnt pauls fault and many people will just blame he anyway, jesus people!



Great so now I'll get to sit with a bunch of 10 yr olds screaming and crying when Lex is making out with Scar    ???   Good to see Paul Anderson has no impact on any of his movies anymore...hope this movie breaks his career as a "Promising" Director..IM sure Ridley Scott/James Cameron are laughing their asses off right about now.    ;D  



thats why james cameron had his own producers, i mean it was them fox producers that made alien 3 so crap ,, but im tellin you this if it pg 13 im gettting a pirate copy i was gunna wait till october .. but this is unjust so im beeing unjust back f*ck the lot of them

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