Win Competition To View AvP

Started by Darkness, Jul 28, 2004, 08:52:39 PM

Win Competition To View AvP (Read 10,813 times)



HELL MAN, IF I DIDN'T FIND THIS FUNNY I'D PROBABLY CRY.   :)      everytime I look at OUR date of this movie my eyes start to ...  ... to ...  ... MAN THIS IS PAINFULL! ouch double time   ;D  



LOL!!    ;D  

The Reverend

The Reverend

(         )=<     <("<)   AVK  ALIEN.........           VERSUS...............                    KIRBY............                                        BOOYA



AMEN to the good Reverend   ;D  , HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

Shadow of FUS

Shadow of FUS

Alien & Predator VS Freddy & Jason!   8)   I could see that coming.Predator go's after Jason because he finds he's a great challenge and Freddy stumbles upon the Xenomorphs and try's to control them but they end up going crazy and kill everyone pissing him off greatly but since people are afraid of Freddy he's powerful enough to jump out in the real world this time with his powers to do batle with the demon creatures. I say that sounds pretty awesome!



Aliens vs those bugs from starship troopers.

_-={ Predator }=-_

_-={ Predator }=-_

aliens versus riddick would be pretty interesting.or the aliens versus the aliens from pitch black



I like the idea of throwing in pitch black as a non-official crossover, but it's most likely those things will never beat the xeno's with their blood frying them.  Aliens or Predator vs Borg, now that would be an interesting concept.    :D    As for Weaver, she's not all that important to the franchise anymore.  The monster is bigger then she'll ever be and there's only room enough to fill out one or two movies to close her clone's character, then it's time to move onto someone else.    Next thing you know we'll be getting Alien 15 with Weaver in a wheelchair...



Wow, crossover time here !! Man the last time i was in one of those, we got like 2500 replies !!!  It was hell on the net.  And what some weird questions ??? Man, that is dumb. But hey, thats how it goes on. they think that only the US r into avp when they could indeed come up in that CANADA!! and uk could be cool too. Bit far but cool. I fell so sorry for ya guys. Want me to be hellish here ??   WE WILL SEE THIS MOVIE IN 2 WEEKS!!!!!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   LOL, I had to do it, sorry.     ;D     ;)    Anyway, if i could, i would pay all of ya guys the trip here.    :)  



hey here's my answers to the questions on here  1. i would end my Alien vs Predator film by the queen alien ripping the predator leader in half like the queen did in Aliens to bishop.  2. the alien is the true star to the alien movies. it was ripley at first but later on its the alien that's the main star and also that the alien brings the fans to theaters to see the alien movies.  3. i would love to see sil from the species movies takes on the aliens and the predators. or the alien creatures from pitch black or the big bugs from starship troopers. that would be very cool to see.

Predator Wave

Predator Wave

Predator vs. Uber Jason. Since his new mask looks almost similar to theirs. Uber Jason with a spear and a shoulder cannon would look funny.

El Diablo

El Diablo

It's already starting! Fox is rolling out the promotional and press screenings for this movie in the next few weeks. I know there's a few happening in L.A. (where I live) including the premiere at Grauman's Chinese Theater in Hollywood on August 10th. I'm going to keep my eyes peeled and check a few places, see if I can get into one of these.

The Reverend

The Reverend

hey El Diablo you guys down there are soo lucky i can see the AVP movie untill the 13, 3 DAYS MAN!!!!!!!!!! AAARRGGGGHHHHH, but hey when ever it comes out i got me and like 20 others going to go see it and were standing in the front row and giving it a big salute.

El Diablo

El Diablo

Yes, I did it! I'm going to a free screening on Thursday, August 12th (just a day before but it's better than nothing). Kick ass!

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