Alien Creators Get AvP Credit

Started by Darkness, Jul 29, 2004, 07:55:48 PM

Alien Creators Get AvP Credit (Read 10,360 times)

Saint Sinner

Saint Sinner

He's using a ton of cool un-used ideas from Alien, which should make the movie a good one and not the typical Paul Anderson mediocre fest.



Well thats decent, good man isn't he?



Nice to see he is not making this his own.



The thing here is that they r using the AR design. Giger had nothing to do with it. Sure he created the creature from all of those copies come from. But he didnt create the one we c in avp. So they cannot put his name. And the predator desing is again different from the one Winston did. So again they cant put his name  in. Its a shame yes but its like that. I doubt that giger will ever do any other alien. Not even for A5. Nor winston will do a pred. They should do it again but i doubt it. Giger was screwed with A3. He didnt loved his experience there. So i doubt he will be back with fox ever again.  And about that pyramid thing, its great that pa is gettin some in avp from alien. But its weird that he took 40 pages of original work ?!!  He could had inspire from those. But not take them all. Its weird. Anyway, Im glad for those 2, its great.



FOX FOX FOX, its just people in suits pulling all the strings to see whats better for the company. Its like its the company vs fans, sound familiar?



he copied that manz scenes that were not used thats f**king inoriginal jesus he cant make up hes out shit about the film lmao damn

Saint Sinner

Saint Sinner

No, he can, but a lot of those rejected ideas were perfect for this storyline, like the pyramid and other "nods" that should be seen in the movie. Like the graveyard of bones or whatever seen in some of the screen shots. Something similar was supposed to be on that planet in the original Alien film.

El Demonio Cazador

El Demonio Cazador

I agree with Ryan Poli about the Cube thing... I mean. he also took a little ov Aliens vs Predator : Prey for the Lex-Predator relation.... I mean he got the mention that the whole Aztec (Mexica actually) Egyptian, Cambodian pyramid thing was taken from  Chariots of the Gods (which is a very lame theory by the way) but nobody invented the black thread so I guess it's good to combine all kinds of long as the story is godd (to me is kind of waek but...hey it's AvP) Probable the thing I like the less about Anderson's story is the appearence of Weyland Bishop for no reason at all... the character is just forced in the story and doesn't really connect in any way to the Alien movies... that was a dumb cheap bait for fans...  Saludos!



i agree with shaker     ???  



El Demonio Cazador:  Weyland Bishop doesn't connect to any of the Alien films?? Wtf.... hello have you been sleeping during the movies: Bishop the android, Weyland Yutani the company, android is built to look like the founder of the company, same actor etc etc...  I bet there are thousands of more reasons how Weyland Bishop from AvP connects to the Alien movies but I'm too hungry to think about it right now...  And again: come on, every news item about the AvP movie doesn't have to become a "Flame AvP/PA" thread, be greatful that the movie is even made.

El Demonio Cazador

El Demonio Cazador

C4RN4G3 That's not what I mean dumbass  I already know all that... read the novel then we'll talk and of the thousand reasons of how Weyland connects to AVP guess what?? P.Anderson couldn't find one!!!  I'm really excited about the movie but you'll see that his appearence on the film is useless....

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