Another New AvP Image

Started by Darkness, Jul 30, 2004, 08:42:16 PM

Another New AvP Image (Read 16,301 times)



thast scar............................



Yautja, am afraid to say THAT is Scar ( look closily at the musk) PLUS read the novel, if you have it.   ;D  



@ Bringer, when he pullled me over and said "what the hell do you think your doing" and I said whats the mater we cant have a little fun in this town. Then I smiled    ;D   then he gave me a ticket. He told me no doors wasnt safe because there is always some dumb ass that will fall out. I wasnt wearing a seatbelt either so that didnt help. Only 13 days boys. That second week in Augest is a big week. The Predator CE is released, AVP is coming out, and the numbers of people on this site will soar. This is great thats what Im talking about YEA!



What the Hell r ya guys talkin about, that is not scar at all!!!  plz be sure when you say something, that is my lunch !! not scar. Plz dont begin to find names to my lunch guys. It will get me some remors to eat it alive while he can still scream while i get his guts for spaghetti.    ;)  



But I thought in the novel that :  
Charles Bishop Weyland gets stabed ....  that same predator who is persuing Lex and Sebastian ?  
Am sure it turned out that way.



YEAH it looks YEAH! that scar pred is the man YEAH you know what is great?..........ITS PG_ fu--king 13, PG_13!   >:D   and you wont even see that predator use any of his wepons on a human because fox doesnt want to show any blood! cant F__KING WAIT   >:D  



YOU IS RIGHT THERE BIG SENT. this movie is LITTERALLY GOING TO SMASH EVERY REMAINING MOVIE THIS YEAR.   I JUST CAN'T WAIT, and I think I speak for the rest of us folks down in the UK when I say , BRING THIS BITCH OVER NOW!   ;D     ;D     ;D  



man i was watching the first scene in predator 2 and man it was very violent!, its too bad AVP cant as intense anymore with the gore and blood, man even if the movie is good it still woundnt have as good if they made it a crazy blood bath gore fest! ,damm i also watched freedy vrs jason and man the violence was just so much fun watching,its too bad avp wont be a shoot them up gore fest!!!!!!! damm   >:D   2 weeks left man 2 week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! place your bets people i want ALIENS TO KICK SOME PRED ASS!



YEAH !!!  Now your talkin sentinel. Ahaha, green gore isnt as great as red, but its beutiful to c !  And all over the place plz. Eh eh.   Anyway, gore is amusing, but this movie could be very good evn without it. Looka at Aliens, it wasnt full of gore at all. But still it was damn great. It has some arsh language ( thnx to hudson, i miss him so much. snifff.) but the gore wasnt big. I think we will c about the same amount in avp. yup, i think that the gore in avp will ba at the same lavel of Aliens. Would be acceptable for me, not great but ok.



What was cool in both Alien and Predator franchises, was the violence. People's head were flying around, people were getting skinned. And that was just part of the Predator series. In the alien series, everybody was getting killed gruesomely. Since the main objective in this movie is   the battle between these 2 monsters, this movie should be the mother of all violence and gore. However, FOX does not agree on this......obviously. However, due to tight budget, this movie should be a cool one.



Somebody, since it is the battle between these 2 monsters, thats what we will be seeing. A gore fest of Alien and Predator body parts flying around, don't think that we won't be seeing hardcore Alien and Pred gore. Btw I don't know what movies you saw but I never saw "heads flying around" in either series. We may not see skinned people but we will see an alien getting skinned in all its glory.



NBow you guys are talking. Right on SENTINEL. Yea Mother F******. lol jk. It is a shame but its good to know they didnt tone down the alien and pred violence. Hooyah get some!     ;D  



J my fault, my fault I thought that was celtic from the side my bad



Thats ok Bringer of Death no problem.  Yeah I thought the trailer was cool too.



the one with the scar is the one who gets scratched on the mask by one of the aliens der

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