Access Hollywood AvP Footage

Started by Darkness, Jun 10, 2004, 10:32:59 PM

Access Hollywood AvP Footage (Read 13,243 times)



A short clip from Alien vs Predator was shown on Access Hollywood this evening and doubleagent has posted the video clip over at GameGossip. This is unmissable. Some cool shots of the Queen, the Pyramid scene and you get to see the long Predator blades.


More screenshots are on the next page.

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Just found the site plz don't close!

Just found the site plz don't close!

Awesome thx for posting this

Rusty Nails

Rusty Nails

I'm downloading it right now - 83%.  -Rusty Nails



still 18 percent.. sigh



Hey RuSTY can y email me the stuff if u can man to this pc at work f**king sucks ass and ballz man IF u can thnx man ..

Rusty Nails

Rusty Nails

I'm afraid it's too big to send through E-mail, I'm sorry. :/  Well what's to say, it's awesome! Too bad the quality sucks balls. "You ugly son of a ..." Says one of the team members to the predator. :)  -Rusty Nails



i have never posted on here before but just to let you know they showed a short clip of AvP on the MTV movie awards pre-show. they showed the pyramid scene. looks sick showed alot of stuff we havent scene yet. i was kinda worried but i saw that short footage and gave me goose bumps. finally stuff we havent seen yet!!! oh and im jim from good ol NJ Shore



  >:D   I hate the wait im a 20 percent ahhhhhkkkkaaa ieeeeeeeee

Alex Villalobos

Alex Villalobos

  :)   Down load it its faster just right click and save as



I saw it on mtv omg i cant wait for movie,i cant wait for pics either.

Bringer of Death

Bringer of Death

Man I just taped the preview shown on the MTV awards and all I can say is HOLY FU@#ING SH!& this movie is going to be amazing.I allmost want to say just from seeing that quick preview that this movoe looks as if it will be the best from both franchises, I mean I was that impresed.I taped it then watched it in slow mo frm by frem and Paul Anderson is going to be famous as hell after this film, I have no dobt in mh mind that he did NOT screw up this film everything looked awesome.Now I'm litteraly fiending like a junkie for crack to see thid movie and August is way to far away I want it NOW.Man if they add anything else to this preview to be the final trailer it will easily be the BEST trailer from any movie I've ever seen.WOW   ;D     ;D     ;D     ;D  



I have to say that the pyramid scene looked better than I thought it did from what the MTV movie awards showed.  The CGI looked pretty good.



that footage owned!!!  cant wait for the trailer, im damn near creamin my pants here!



waht the hell are you talking about it's only 7:05 MTV moive awards are not even on yet

El Demonio Cazador de Trofeos

El Demonio Cazador de Trofeos

I'm disappointed that the trailer is too goddamn short... and the last scene the CGI looks cheap...other than that it looks very exciting!!

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