AvP Article in Sci-Fi Magazine

Started by Darkness, Jun 22, 2004, 09:44:59 PM

AvP Article in Sci-Fi Magazine (Read 32,763 times)



yea i heard that theres ganna be around 15 to 20 aliens or so

Hell Alien

Hell Alien

Yeah, 9 from the sacrificial chamber + the crew  = around 20 aliens. Or the aliens all come from the crewand the sacrificial chamber mummys were used like 100 years ago. Or more



some said  on another site that theres ganna be like  100 aliens i said wah a f**king dummy i was like man there cannot be 5 predz and a hole army of aliens other then the pyramid scene , i mean if u read deep in to the reviewz and interviews ull c that theres alimit of  alien just like predator..

Hell Alien

Hell Alien

100 !!!!!!!!!!! forget it, cant be. No chance in hell. Otherwise the preds wont have time to pass any test, as soon as an alien will saw them, its really gonna be war, and the preds are really gonna need their lil gizmos to save their butts. But they wont survive 1 min against 100, that guy is not knowing what he is talknig about. i consider this as bulshit. Did he said where he got the info on that????????



well he said  www.ign.com but thats bullshit i just check and there isnt anything of that nature on none of the stuff they got of avp

Hell Alien

Hell Alien

Knew it, its crap. PA would not do such a thing. To dumb. Or not every aliens is released at the same time, just at the end when the queen is freed.



yeeaa maybe when shes freed like in the concept art u see the pred telling lex to leave or run w/e and then u see her in front running towards them with alot of aliens behind her

Hell Alien

Hell Alien

Exactly, we cant say anything till we see the damn thing cuz alot o things can happen in this that we are not waiting for,




Hell Alien

Hell Alien

like what, everything have been said



I agree that there will only be about 15 to 20 aliens. Any more would just be absured. Does anyone know how many people are with the team? Including scientists and gunman.

Alien Emperor

Alien Emperor

Like, 6,7 people?

Hell Alien

Hell Alien

No more than that, looking at the trailas out so far, look like there is goin to be about 10-12 ppl. But I will check again, the thing is that with trailas, we see ppl that haves bigger roles but not really the ones that die quick and things. So Ill check this out again and Ill try to post something more accurate. But since we didnt saw the thing, Nothing is to be taken accurate here.



i just checked the trailer and i counted 19 if them maybe i missed a ferw but i counted 10....   ;D     more beats and more spines to come off lol

Hell Alien

Hell Alien

Well here we go. it will be around that pretty much. 20 aliens, 6 preds, around 15-19 ppl goin down. Still to know if tha preds are gonna use that Plasma against the aliens. we see that one shoot of it but on who?

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