IGN Interview With Henriksen

Started by Darkness, May 12, 2004, 09:33:15 PM

IGN Interview With Henriksen (Read 7,271 times)



IGN FilmForce have published a ‘new’ interview with Lance Henriksen which covers a range of topics but most importantly what happens to his character in the film:

***Spoiler Below***

IGN: You’ve been killed onscreen by a Terminator and an Alien. Does the Predator complete the circle in this film?

Henriksen: Yeah, but I don’t go down easy. The thing about this is you have, again, the advances. It’s like going through the looking glass backwards here because now we’re going back in time to before Alien. What’s happened, though, is because of the way he structured the script has such logic to it all and makes such sense. We know those movies before and we’re not denying that you know them, and so when you see this movie you’re going to see something completely different. But it’s got those genres in it. So he’s a very clever dog, he really is.

***Spoiler Over***

Anybody who visits AvPGalaxy would have known anyway what happens to Henriksen’s character but for those who didn’t, there you go. When I say this is a new IGN interview, a lot of the answers have been taken from the CHUD interview last Christmas. Thanks to Pvt Hudson for the news.

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We better see those pictures Nik. Lance better be getting skinned or something wicked like that.



I think i've read this article before.

Maurice "HopeOfTheFuture" Huijs

Maurice "HopeOfTheFuture" Huijs

lol, my old comment was that both Lance Hendriksen and Bill Paxton are killed by an Alien, a Predator and a Terminator. And then everybody got offtopic, so now let's try to stay on topic ;)

The AVP overlord

The AVP overlord

SORRY about that...my bad! Paxton still was not killed by the Terminator!



Then why did you bring it back up Maurice? The AVP overlord is already talking back about it......



Do you guys think this is what starts the hole Weyland Yutoni (spelled wrong i think) thing?



weird, it's gone....but i remember it was here before!!??   :-\  

The AVP overlord

The AVP overlord

well sorry I'm just trying to prove a point. I'll kill it!....I'm right...sorry



At the end of Alien 3 you see the weyland symbol on the side of the pouring platform, the weyland symbol I think is in most alien films(maybe not 1st and last)



So you really mean half the films have it? cause two out of four is 50%.



refresh my memory what terminator film was lance in and who did he play ?



also i assume all you guy/girls have seen this already but if not check out batman: dead end. If you havnt seen it youl love it !!!!

The AVP overlord

The AVP overlord

Wow I cant believe you dont know this, he was in Terminator 1 and he played Detective Vukovich. You got to know your stuff.



Yeah Batman: dead end was good wasn't it

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