Final AvP Movie Poster Out

Started by Darkness, May 14, 2004, 10:54:38 PM

Final AvP Movie Poster Out (Read 21,216 times)



Both Bloody Disgusting and Empire Movies have posted the final poster for Alien vs Predator. Take a look:

AvP Poster

What’s strange about it is that it lists AvP’s release date as 08.06.04 when it should say 08.13.04.

Update: As shadowpred pointed out in the comments board, this poster has been taken from AvP: The Movie Novelization book due out in July and the IMDb page has also been updated with the poster so I think we can safely say this is the final poster for Alien vs Predator.

Link To Post



exxelent. too white tho'



Pred's kind of lacking some hair there, but still cool.  I wonder if the movie can still be released on the 6th?  After all, AVP website never confirmed it would be released August 13th, nor did Anderson himself in ANY of the interviews.  I wonder what the hell's going on? lol    ???  



what does 'lol' mean? Poster looks good. i like the white - it's different.



"laugh out loud irl"



Yeah... not bad. I guess the white symbolises the snow and ice, altho why they're in that environment I don't know - preds are usually drawn to heat. Part of the survival ritual I guess?



I dont know i think its tight. We should just be thankful that this movie is finally coming out.     :)  

The AVP overlord

The AVP overlord

dude that has been discussed 5 million times... the purpose of the artic is so that they are as far away from civilization as possible, Aliens escaping, Self destructing, etc. got to keep up to date man.



You shouldn't be talking AVP overlord. You weren't up to date on the whole bishop thing.



i wanna buy that poster!



hmm...the teaser posters were cooler. I don't like the white background. Too bright for such a movie.



I like it I don't know why it's just awesome. I think it's better then the black. The reason it was not black probably because it was harder to see them.

Rusty Nails

Rusty Nails

*drools* This is prolly the best poster I've ever seen yet...  -Rusty Nails



Not the right background at all. Good call on the "hairless" pred. Shows the alien well. Why the debate over smooth head (Scott) and ridge head (Cameron) anyway? let's not forget the creator, Giger himself. The alien head is meant to be a penis with teeth, like a scaled up chestburster. The smooth head is the only way to go - the creature is maent to be SEXUAL as well as scary. Nuff said.  Aslan

Rusty Nails

Rusty Nails

I like the background, it's more different and unique then anything else I would have expected.  Oh yep you're right about the sexual stuff - let's not forget that the xenomorphs are homosexual as well. Altough that isn't really the first thing people are going to think of when they see the movie, like "Oh look hun, that looks a penis with teeth!". ;)  -Rusty Nails

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