New AvP Featurette Released!

Started by Darkness, Apr 07, 2004, 01:48:37 PM

New AvP Featurette Released! (Read 20,546 times)



Well I



@Psychomorph: Yeah thats no proplem ;-) for me its the Alien, but hey...everybody have its favorite. I like the Weapons and the style of the Pred very much. But i like the Monsterthing more. And the Alien is a very elegant, kind of sexy Monster. A realy beautyful Nightmare-creature........Never seen befor...and never see again!!!!

Bringer of Death

Bringer of Death

I hope people are still around reading this,I live in Canada and the time is 2:30pm.This is to DALLAS and IZZET,I totaly agree with what you guys say.Predator prob. most likely would not even exist if it weren't for the release of ALIEN back in 79 to pave the way for SCI-FI-HORROR films.I love the Predator character/design but it all started for me when I was 7-8 years old and snuck a peek at ALIEN.I was hooked ever since,it wasn't until 88-89 when my Dad showed me ALIENS he said it was his fav. movie at the time and he also showed me a little movie staring the Gov. of Cali Mr. Schwarzenegger.PREDATOR.After seeing both those films hundreds of times I became obsessed,all I would do is draw/make comics/stories of these 2 superstars of sci-fi horror.Now for people to like only 1 of these creatures and not they other is to say you love girls but you hate sex,I mean they go hand in hand with each other so how can you not like both.Ok you might have a fav. but to not give credit where credit is due is just wrong.   >:D 

@DALLAS, You put it absolutely right on the money when you described the ALIEN to be an "elegant, kind of sexy monster".I couldnt have said it better myself, and I think that was GIGER's original intention for his creation to be very scary yet sexy,mysterious at the same time.@SHAKERMAKER,I'm not to familiar with 'divx'.What is it and were do I get it because I would like to see these fan films you have suggested,especialy to see BATMAN get the shit kicked out of him by the more dominent species P.S are you talking about the GRID HEAD ALIEN in AVP?   ??? 



I further agree with Bringer of death and dallas, the alien in the original was an elegant and smooth (yet terrifying) creature, then again i didnt find it sexy (only jokin, i know what u guys meant unless u prefer a differant species to men and women)   ;D   + FOR ANY BRITONS, IF U R A BIG AVP FAN, PAUL ANDERSONS EVENT HORIZON IS ON BBC1 TONIGHT (A CHANCE TO SEE HIS EARLIER WORK AND SEE IF HE CAN CRANCK UP THE SCARES AND TENSION FOR AVP!!)

Anyone notice the excitement of the second featurrete has stopped us complaining about the PG-13 certificate? perhaps FOX have deliberatley released it to side track our attentions.... sneaky b******ds

Bringer of Death

Bringer of Death

Meaning what that there still going for a PG-13 rating? and just feeding us this to make us loose track of the real issue at hand, 'IT NOT BEING RATED R'.I think it will be just by seeing all the teasers and the fact that all the Preds weapons have been beefed up.I dont think they wouldn't do that if there not going to show them in action slicing and dicing through Alien/Human carcass as well as blasting holes through there chests.Then again I prey I'm right and it's not PG-13,that would really SUCK.For IZZET, when I was describing the Alien as 'sexy' I was decribing it's sleek and smooth feartures and its humanesk attributes, like lips and what not.Not that I think it's hot and want to give it a hot beef injection or somthing ya sicko! just crakin I know what your sayin.Peace



Good point Bringer of Death, more evidence it wont be PG-13 is the 2nd featurette. why would they make the Preds wrist blade 4 times longer if he's not going to use it?

Bringer of Death

Bringer of Death

Damn right, they better not just be for show.Plus in the new 'featurette' right in the begining of it there is a whole body cast of someone wich I believe will be getting pretty messed up and I don't think PG-13 would have some guy strung upside down ready to be skinned or decapitated or both, unless its going to be a fade to black kind of shot were you just hear the guy scream his last scream befor he dies and don't actualy see it.But seriously I dont think Paul Anderson would be macking this film if it isnt going to be rated R, just listen to how much the guy swears.He's has to incorperate that in his movies and lots of violence   ;D  

Rusty Nails

Rusty Nails

Lol, yeah, Paul can't keep one F**k out of any sentance he uses. :P I wouldn't worry about the rating, he'll bring us the goods I'm sure.  -Rusty Nails


yeah the grid head alien looks like a pred net got to it BRINGER OF DEATH heres the link for that batman movie all u need is quicktime u can get that free

Bringer of Death

Bringer of Death

If your talkin about the one in the AVP movie,thats the idea.It escaped from the net after its blood ate through it and thats why its scared that way with all the criss cross design.I'm d loading it right now even though its takin forever   >:D  



hello all, im back yet again.  i agree, im a far bigger Predator fan than i am Aliens, but we gotta respect the Alien franchise, the first to alien movies are spectacular.  you seem to be well informed fans of BOTH franchises, i salute you all!!!! lol  well, im off, just thought id throw a comment in while i was checking my email.  Forte Fortuna Adjuvat........-real pred



Thanks and Greetz to all. Finaly some People who agree with me ;-)  @Bringer of Death: -..its to say you love girls but you hate sex. -  Hehehehe absolutly brilliant speech. Thats exactly what i mean.    And this is for all the Babys who say that the Aliens are weak and stupid. If they be like this...why would a Pred hunt them?  He only take care of the biggest chalenge and look for the ultimate Thrill. A stupid and weak Prey means nothing to him! Think about it..... if you can ;-P



I must say this design of the alien for AVP is definitely more satisfying then the previous alien movie AR.

Bringer of Death

Bringer of Death

To DALLAS, Your right again my friend about the PREDATORS hunting the ALIENS because there are extremely tough and challenging.The Predators strive on hunting only the most strongest and dangerous prey in the universe.The ALIENS are just that and more especialy when in large numbers.I'm sure we'll see lots of PREDATOR death in AVP because the ALIENS are no pussies, they are a very dangerous and ferocious beasts that are programed to destroy anything they find as a threat to them or there colony/hive   ;D  



@Bringer of Death: we are in the same boat :-) @ izzet:  Thats the reason why i love them :D @Vekin: Right. But believe me, even the AR Aliens are not that bad.(Sure, nothing can compare with the Gigerstyle!). ADI made a big mistake and put to much slime over their creatures. Even the hated newborn looks much cooler in some of the making of scenes or maquettes, but it sucks in the most scenes of the finished film.  What do you guys think of who is the deadliest species in the univerese? I have a very logical answer to that but i wanna hear your statements first. Greetz to all Dallas.

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