Wow, slime, I'm sure that your ability to bash females equates to an awesome ability to also bash everyone else. To put it succinctly, acting like a whiny little eleven-year-old doesn't make you look manly, tough, or sexy...just an asshole who can't prove himself by actually doing something, so he turns to complaining about girls. That makes you look like shit to anyone, not only to women, but to men who reject the pathetic, archaic stereotypes of yesteryear. I'm not a dyke, or a feminist, but I bet I could kick YOUR ass, regardless of whether or not I could go hand-to-hand against a predator. And incidentally, Aliminator, I wear short skirts. Very short. I'm not going to cover them up so as not to offend your delicate sensibilities. Women have a "right" to dress as they like; the fact that YOU think they dress like whores is probably not important to them. For pity's sake, discuss the movie like an adult. If you want to prove your maturity and masculinity, do it by not being a sexist idiot. Killer Kakashi does that just fine. And I'm sure he's not offended by your suggestion that he's really a chick, since HE is confident in his sexuality. Bah. And don't waste your time replying angrily to me; this is a once-only visit, and I won't see it.