Beleive it or not i actually read all 1000 entries. i have come to the conclusion that some of you know what you are talking about and some don't. And i know that every one is entilted to their own opinion, i would just like to share my thoughts on it. first off i was pleased with what anderson is doing, i think that he will bring alot to the franchise. I dont understand why everyone wants to bash the pred in Pred 2, granted the MOVIE wasnt better than the first but you have to understand that with a whole new predator you get a whole new personality, with that said, i beleive the 1st predator is more of a hardass,where pred 2 is more of a badass. and pred 2 looked like he had a smartass attitude to him as the 1st seemed to be like "what the f**k is wrong with you dont you know that i am bigger than you?". but the new preds look great i like the fact that one of them is a mammoth, it just shows the different types of predators there are, in a huge pack of hunters there will always be that hammer,that might not be agile or fast but packs one hell of a punch. and on the alien note, i am glad they dont have the look of Aliens, it just looked bogus to me, there was just too much detail in the head but the body was really cool. but in my opinion i would have to say the best looking alien was in alien res, sorry but i really beleive it But I did not like the color of it,and dont get me wrong alien res blows monkey balls, i just like the sleek cheetah look to it, it had a feel of speed and agility(now all i am talking about is the look not the movie not the movements it had in the movie) but thats all i have to say. oh yea and BRIDE.........blow me bitch and adam jz keep up the good work. take it easy