New Scenes in Featurette!!!!!

Started by Darkness, Apr 13, 2004, 06:25:02 PM

New Scenes in Featurette!!!!! (Read 24,605 times)

Aliens Rule!

Aliens Rule!

I am hearing a lot about an alien/pred hybrid.  But if you think about it, the hybrid could destroy series continuity if they make it look like some super monster we have never seen before.  If you think about it, the only thing that changed on the dog alien was the hind legs and the way it walked.  the actual physical appearance did not change drastically.  A predator is similar to a human in that it's physical form and movements are the same as a human.  It walks upright on two legs etc.  Does anyone get what I'm trying to say?  I dunno maybe they could make the hybrid bigger and bulkier or something.  The trailer looks good, but i am disappointed not to see the HR giger design.  That design was the creepiest.  Even Jims version, which was still actually HRs design, was good because all he did was remove the dome.  If I were Paul, I would have had Jim's and Ridley's aliens in the movie.  The dome headed would protect the queen and the warriors would go out and gather for face huggers.  I would also use the tubes on the aliens backs to secrete resin to imprison hosts.  I think the aliens in AVP look just like the AR aliens.  I also think the mouths need more animation; lips curling up etc.  These aliens mouths look like pez dispensers.  Well that's all i have to say.  I am still going to give the movie a chance as it doesn't look all that bad.



Again some very good points. i could not have said it better my self. I'm still giving the story a chance but the alien monster design is depressing to see. so basicly i'm looking at this being to me as a 3rd installment of a predator movie.



Hey, here is something to get people talking. I picked up a copy of MovieFX Magazine Issue 8. It has the creature feature for AVP in it. However, there is another feature (not related to AVP Movie) called A Directors Vision PT 2. Part 1 is from Issue 7. This shows the making of a movie or short film involving Alien, Predator, and Batman. It is interesting to watch. Just wanted to let you people out there know about it.    ;D    I would also like to say that I had my doubts before about this movie but like most of you out there I've wated a long @$$ time for this. Personally, I like what I see. It was even mentioned in the set reports that when you see the costumes they suck, but on screen and lit the right way they are F***in' bad ass. I think it is ok to modify the creatures a little bit. When you go dear hunting you don't take a bb gun you take a bigger gun. There is not any way that Paul Anderson can please even damn person out there. It is IMPOSSIBLE!!!! He is a fan of both of these movies, and from what I've heard so are most of the crew members. Give the man a chance. Some of us see something out of place and immediately think that it is wrong. Like stated above you don't need giger or winston (while I'm a fan of both) to have amazing designs. Other movies have been made that had monsters in it, that people liked. Winston no doubt is a mastermind at what he does, just like Ridley Scott and Cameron. I feel that Paul Anderson will not leave the fans dissappointed. I'm just glad that this movie is out of pre-production hell and is finally happening. Being a fan of both franchises it is a dream come true.   Later Everyone



Mindfreak19: the batman movie you are talking about is batman: dead end, a short film where batman hunts down the escaped joker only to be confronted with the aliens & predators. approx. 8mins long and can be picked up on ebay with lots of great extra features.



For those of you who dont like the Alien design, PA wanted to return to the earlier tradition of the films and not reveal the creature too much, i personally think the design looks quite good though

Bringer of Death

Bringer of Death

To any of you that were curious about that Batman: Dead End movie w/Preds/Aliens heres the link to the site wich SHAKERMAKER hooked me up with( Good man!) its really F**kin$ good looking surprisingly enough.The Pred and Alien costumes look almost exact to the real counterparts.I suggest anyone d.load it you wont be dissapointed.   ;D     ;D  



to Aliens Rule!:: I agree with you.  I myself hope that the PredAlien doesn't look too much like the Predator.  Maybe just be bulkier and have the same kind of mouth as the Predator, but everything else would resemble Alien in it's beauty.  If anything else that could be different, perhaps it's killing patterns?  Kill only the ones who are armed and take who ever's not armed back to the eggs.  I don't think it should hunt other hunt the other Aliens like the "Newborn" killing the Queen for whatever damn reason.  It should be part of the colony.  I mean, if Predators were the only hosts the the facehuggers could find, then you wouldn't have a breed of PredAliens hunting down the Queen.  They got to help the colony thrive and bring the queen whatever hosts they can find.  That's just how i see it.  Who knows if Anderson sees it the same way.

starwars blows

starwars blows

you know that the jockey is fossilized, meaning that beacon must have been going for thousands maybe millions of years, i think another 57 years, actually more like 27 years more and the beacon gave out? plausible but as immpossible as possible.



does any one 100%know if there is going to be the alien/predator hybrid known as the predalien in this movie. if so get back to me... peace out   8)  



thanks for the creddit Bringer Of Death mate   ;D   pred i think there will be a predaline for the simple fact every alien sequil had something different, aliens= queen,alien 3= dog alien or beast like alien, alien res= newborn. so i think there will be a predalien

P.S the newborn never should of had eyes or a nose,make it more scarey, it looked like pumpkin head, oh and yes what a silly effin speach before and after it was born by that doctor very cheesy very comic book, but loved the rest of the film



I just hated the fact it took place 200 years in the future

Hardass Predator

Hardass Predator

Beleive it or not i actually read all 1000 entries. i have come to the conclusion that some of you know what you are talking about and some don't. And i know that every one is entilted to their own opinion, i would just like to share my thoughts on it. first off i was pleased with what anderson is doing, i think that he will bring alot to the franchise. I dont understand why everyone wants to bash the pred in Pred 2, granted the MOVIE wasnt better than the first but you have to understand that with a whole new predator you get a whole new personality, with that said, i beleive the 1st predator is more of a hardass,where pred 2 is more of a badass. and pred 2 looked like he had a smartass attitude to him as the 1st seemed to be like "what the f**k is wrong with you dont you know that i am bigger than you?". but the new preds look great i like the fact that one of them is a mammoth, it just shows the different types of predators there are, in a huge pack of hunters there will always be that hammer,that might not be agile or fast but packs one hell of a punch. and on the alien note, i am glad they dont have the look of Aliens, it just looked bogus to me, there was just too much detail in the head but the body was really cool. but in my opinion i would have to say the best looking alien was in alien res, sorry but i really beleive it But I did not like the color of it,and dont get me wrong alien res blows monkey balls, i just like the sleek cheetah look to it, it had a feel of speed and agility(now all i am talking about is the look not the movie not the movements it had in the movie) but thats all i have to say.  oh yea and BRIDE.........blow me bitch  and adam jz keep up the good work.                          take it easy

Hardass Predator

Hardass Predator

i forgot to add one more thing, i am really looking forward to seeing what effect alien blood has on the predators, like what they use in their med packs to prevent further burning or just to see what it would look like for a predators skin to melt, or if were lucky we will get to see what is inside a predator, weve seen the insides of humans, aliens, but only blood from the predator, only time will tell  oh yea and BRIDE..........blow me bitch

Bringer of Death

Bringer of Death

2 Hardass Predator,I ve read your entry and have come to the conclusion that you are with the few that DON'T know what your talking about.First you say that the the detail of the heads in Aliens was to much and bogus!? then you say that the alien res. is the best design? I think not.   >:D  WORST ALIEN DESIGN EVERRRRRRRR!!!!!!!.It's just sad that they are using almost the same molds in this movie for the alien.I do how ever agree with your Predator remarks in that I to would like to see some Predator disemboweling and guts spilling.Also I agree with....Blow me Bride!!!!!!!!!! you Beeeeeyatchhhhhhh!   ;D     ;D     ;D  



thanks shakermaker that has really made my day    ;D   does anyone know what the predalien is going to look like. is it going to look like the one from the comics or the game or is there a new version of this creture

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