Spawn AvP Figure Photos

Started by Darkness, Apr 16, 2004, 09:37:53 PM

Spawn AvP Figure Photos (Read 23,116 times)



Ragnarock.McFarlane are good but darkness will bring new ideas to the predator and alien franchise

Andrew David

Andrew David

  >:D  The Aliens look terrible. There are almost identical to the ones in Ressurection, but darker. They have become a pale reflection of what they were. Those spindly tubes on thier backs look as though they could be snapped by a child.  Izzet: "Anderson obviously likes it {the aline design} because it's based onn his request." We have no evidence of such a request. I think Amalgamated Dynamics basically did what they want, as they have done for quite some time, because Anderson probably doesn't know exactly what he want, unlike designers like Cameron and Scott. Just watch Resident Evil and listen to his commentary



Bit harsh to say Anderson is an idiot Andrew David, remember it's his film and he got Amalgamated Dynamics on board because he has been impressed with what they have done in the past on the films (even though the majority of US havent). I know that the Alien isnt as good as the original design, F**k that, most of us do but we'll just have to live with it. And it is guarrented they wont look as bad as Resurrection because he is on about keeping the creature in the dark and revealing less of it than the previous two instalmants. I still think its the scariest creature on the screen no matter how much they have degraded it, at least its back to black.



I agree with Izzet... Even though the new ALien design seems 'off' by the original... The good thing is the alien would more likely be unseen in the cover of the darkness rather then showing itself... especially not to show its entire self for more then one second. And in resposne to finches mum... SOme thigns are better left unsaid.



i dont mind the new aliens except the tails WTF ? I personally like the original and would have loved to see it done with some modern technology but these ones arnt bad i think they ruined the pred i mean the whole superman cape on elder next he will be wearing jocks over his pant. O wait he doesnt wear pants technically advanced species my ass they are just Alien cave men with intersteller travelling capabilities.

Andrew David

Andrew David

Hi Izzet. Well lets hope they do keep 'em in the dark, and yes, if they're black as opposed to brown they should look better. Giger said in a documentary that they looked literally like 'turds' in A4, brown and overslimed. I thought that was pretty funny. Chris Symes, the line producer in Prague told me that Anderson didn't choose Amalgamated Dynamics, and interestingly they where actually the first people hired by the producers. They're brought on board because they've done so much of this stuff already and get on well the said producers, and they're cheap. Anderson probably didn't get a say in the matter, but I don't think he would have been bothered about changing them anyway. You need a really strong director to either convince the producers to go elsewhere to get back to the essence of the design (which in my opinion has been lost). Or more agreeably, actually have a director with a vision which is more in keeping with Gigers/Scotts/Camerons Alien and get them to stick to it. I have a problem with Woodruff & Gillis



Every time i look at the Alien face to face with the Predator in shots for this movie, it really dissapoints me that Gigers visionary monster isnt stareing right back at it. After three sequals the Alien's appearance was bound to change due to differant directors and crew but it is still a thrill to see it back on the big screen after 7years. Here's the thing though, IF there is an Alien 5, Scott has already stated he will have some part on it, will he change the design of the Alien?



If Scott's part on the movie has any weight, then yeah, i would expect the Alien to go back to it's original appearance weather he hires ADI or not.  Ultimately it's the director's call to choose from a series of Alien designs drawn for him.  So if Scott doesn't pull any weight, who knows what the next alien will look like.

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