Hi Izzet. Well lets hope they do keep 'em in the dark, and yes, if they're black as opposed to brown they should look better. Giger said in a documentary that they looked literally like 'turds' in A4, brown and overslimed. I thought that was pretty funny. Chris Symes, the line producer in Prague told me that Anderson didn't choose Amalgamated Dynamics, and interestingly they where actually the first people hired by the producers. They're brought on board because they've done so much of this stuff already and get on well the said producers, and they're cheap. Anderson probably didn't get a say in the matter, but I don't think he would have been bothered about changing them anyway. You need a really strong director to either convince the producers to go elsewhere to get back to the essence of the design (which in my opinion has been lost). Or more agreeably, actually have a director with a vision which is more in keeping with Gigers/Scotts/Camerons Alien and get them to stick to it. I have a problem with Woodruff & Gillis