Spawn AvP Figure Photos

Started by Darkness, Apr 16, 2004, 09:37:53 PM

Spawn AvP Figure Photos (Read 23,186 times)



I would love to know where those blades are coming from?  Even the one from their wrists, where the hell does those 4 foot blades fit in that gauntlet?   Also plasma casters are so damn UGLY!  and now looking at the alien i just cant stand the clear dome alien head.  It doesnt go with the rest of the alien!  its like all off!  man the alien from aliens is ten times better!  smooth heads looks so damn shit.



WTF! Aliens head design sucked, the clear smooth heads are the best, the alien looks fine to me, and the blades have diffrent stages, thay can retract into the diffrent sections of the blade itself, the designs are the best yet.



Loved the statues! Awesome detail! I'm also wondering, since there is an "elder" predator in the statues, could there prehaps be one in the AvP movie?



the other thing we must remember about the large blades is that the predators are not hunting humans, they are hunting aliens, with acid blood, the further away they are yet while still in hand to hand combat benefits them from the spraying acidic blood  Forte Fortuna Adjuvat.........-real pred



to YautjaWarrior:: If McFarlane made an Elder Predator figure, then certainly he will be in the movie.  Also, in one of the featurettes, you can see the Elder's helmet being worked on by one of the designers.  I'm guessing he'll make his appearance at the end of AVP when he comes to see the results of the young predator's Alien hunt.



I think the new preds and aliens look there best yet, did you see that seen in the featuret with the alien behind one of the guys helping lex ready to bite his head off. that alien looked super cool. the guns for the preds will take a little getting use to but paul anderson has done a stand up job so far so there's no reason to doubt him now, i know in the movie things are going to look a whole lot better and make a whole lot more sence. AVP RULES.....

judge dredd

judge dredd

men these are the toys i always wanted but never had when i was a kid:'(



Im sorry but i hate how the aliens look.  And the original pred is so much better then this comic style pred crap.  They look so fake and unrealistic. I absolutly hate every alien design but for aliens.. alien is second best and wouldnt mind that one over others.  But aliens is by far the best and more realistic.  Head goes with rest of body and they look like they have exoskeleton design.   Non creative bastards these days.  ANd i hate how poeple have such different tasts... but i guess the world would suck if every one was the same.   grrr



i think the designs of the alien and predator to make the film work and give the audience an idea of what they are capible to do

ripley's baby

ripley's baby

i am still getting over the MO FOing big blades!!!!!!!! the huge shoulder cannons do look a bit out of place!  does any one know of any new pred weapons other than the updated wrist blades shoulder canon, dagger and sharukins?



If ne of you guys wanna see a real one off predator bust then add me to your msn and ill show you the one off bust that i have.I brought it at a sci-fi show about 5 and a half yrs ago. The guy had hand sculpted the bust,air brushed and has real glass eyes. He had it on show lookin for a reaction then was going to do a limited kit of the original  . SO i brought the origanl off him, i left my details so i could be sent a plack saying i had the original   but it turned out he broke the cast or what ever (im not into art stuff i got no clue) so he was going to have to basicaly re-make a whole new one then do the kits from that. So i have a original   one off. If ne of you want to see it my msn is I think the predator figs look cool, dont like the huge blades tho and the elder predators face looks to much like a womens private parts.



to inkedpred:: You know the names of these woman how have parts that look like the Elder Predator?  Let me know so I don't make any moves on them in the future.   ???    You need to make some moves on some cleaner lookin' women if it's that bad.    ;)     I'm kiddin with you man.



If you look at the crease in the middle of the face between the eyes, it looks like it to me l ol. Maybe ive just been to one to many weird sites    ???  



i think the new predator wepons look cool. the bigger the wepons the more damage the do



McFarlane r experienced in this type of thing so ud expect alot from them. Palisades looks good 2 but id still stick with McFarlane.  Who could not like MM VI figurines?!

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