to olopolip:: McFarlane designs the movie figures to the "T", so the huge blades you see on the figures is AVP movie related. Now to my own knowlegde, i think this the first time McFarlene made movie action figures before the movie was even released. All the other Movie Maniacs figures were created way after their movie was released. So evidently, McFarlane appears to be as big of a fan to AVP as we are. As to the simularities of the Scar and Celtic figures, yeah you're just about right. There are differences of the 2, but their armor is relatively the same. Scar has armor over his stomach, while Celtic does not. Celtic has a trophy necklace, while Scar does not. Scar looks like he has spikes on his armor from his right arm, while Celtic appears to lack armor on his left leg (possibly detachable?). Looks like Celtic has more weapons than Scar by their feet. It could be possible they left out Scar's wepons so that it doesn't appear cluttered by his feet. The detachable arm lengthed blades do look a little bit out of place. I feel the same about the shoulder cannons able to to adjust into a firing position over the predators head. That definately doesn't look right at all. At least the good thing is the arm length blades can be taken off if desired, and i personally don't mind them too much anyways. That gun still bothers me though. To have a cannon THAT big, I'd go with a hand held rather than shoulder positioned. I'm confused by that gun though since the "original" Predator shoulder cannon was featured in the Making of the Creatures featurette. So what size shoulder gun is going to be used here people? I think the Elder Predator has an admirable feel to his look. I also noticed the scar on his forehead. Nice comic book reference there. Makes me wonder if Scar predator was given that name because he possibly survives with Lex all the way and earns the ceremonial scar of an Alien hunt. And the Elder arrives at the end of the movie to intiate the short ceremony to both Scar and Lex. Although personally i don't think that a human should ever earn the scar. It should be just among Predators. If the movie stays related to the comic though, Lex will get the ceremonial scar as well. I could be all wrong though. The Elder's scar might be there from one of his battles in his younger years. It's just to me, with so many simularities between the film and the comics, the "scar" is purely ceremonial. I would like to see McFarlane create a figure for Lex, the captured Queen, facehuggers, hmmm a chestburster emerging from a Predator? And of course as I have mentioned previously, the Pred Alien. All which i think will more than likely appear after the release of the film. They better. Damn it.