Spawn AvP Figure Photos

Started by Darkness, Apr 16, 2004, 09:37:53 PM

Spawn AvP Figure Photos (Read 23,186 times)



I think the new Alien figure looks very cool and will look good in the film, i prefer the original Giger one but think this suit looks quite sweet. Anderson obviously likes it because it's based onn his request. The queen looks real badass and looks even mor evil than last time we seen her, you can tell her head has been tweaked with too. I wonder if they will release a Hybird figure?



Still keeping the PredAlien a secret I see.  They better make a figure for that beast too.  Maybe they did.  Just keeping it secret till the movie release.



These avp stuff looks Freakin cool, I also like to see the new queen as a action figure chained till the bone and the figures are very cool, as well as the statues from Palisades. I cant wait to hav them all. And also a Predalien Figure.



I don't know why but every time I come to this website and see these kinds of pictures I just become an even bigger fan of predators.   :)     :)  



the queen bust shows a biomechanical queen!!??? but the aliens look like alien/human crossed from ressurection. little depressed that i'll be seeing alien resurection style aliens in the movie & toy line but hey i just will have to live with it.  I would also like to note the predators are the best design yet!! WOW!!!  Thanks DARKNESS!!!  WONDERFUL TOYS & STATUES &  Palisades Toys  Keep up the great work....this movie is still going to be great ! i believe paul will now be out of his movie making hole after this is a hit!  -NECRO



Hold on a minute... I personally think these Spawn toys are a little wrong... the massive extra blades attacked to the wrist blades... I think not! And the Celtik and scar predator are almost identical apart from having different masks.... and "celtic" predator... that's not in AVP... is it? Perhaps someone can enlighten me as to why these toys aren't quite right. (perhaps i've missed something somewhere... but the scar pred is the only one that I can see that fits into the AVP movie... the celtic and elder are something else I think.) I also think that extra long blade they've put on is just for the toys too. What do you guys think? Cool toys... but a bit wrong.   >:D 

attacked= attached* Celtik= Celtic*  Sorry for the speeling errors... it's been a long day. By the way.... i'm pretty sure there will be a Predalien hybrid in this film. In one of the many interviews (can't remeber which, sorry... maybe Jo-Blos) the reporter said he saw a box labelled "hybrid". Now, either he was lying or Fox labelled it on purpouse for him to see it and actually there was nothing in it.... or there is a predalien. Because why would they waste time and money on making a hybrid costume if they weren't going to use it. Tell me what you guys think/know on that subject.   8) 



to olopolip::  McFarlane designs the movie figures to the "T", so the huge blades you see on the figures is AVP movie related.  Now to my own knowlegde, i think this the first time McFarlene made movie action figures before the movie was even released.  All the other Movie Maniacs figures were created way after their movie was released.  So evidently, McFarlane appears to be as big of a fan to AVP as we are.  As to the simularities of the Scar and Celtic figures, yeah you're just about right.  There are differences of the 2, but their armor is relatively the same.  Scar has armor over his stomach, while Celtic does not.  Celtic has a trophy necklace, while Scar does not.  Scar looks like he has spikes on his armor from his right arm, while Celtic appears to lack armor on his left leg (possibly detachable?).  Looks like Celtic has more weapons than Scar by their feet.  It could be possible they left out Scar's wepons so that it doesn't appear cluttered by his feet.  The detachable arm lengthed blades do look a little bit out of place.  I feel the same about the shoulder cannons able to to adjust into a firing position over the predators head.  That definately doesn't look right at all.  At least the good thing is the arm length blades can be taken off if desired, and i personally don't mind them too much anyways.  That gun still bothers me though.  To have a cannon THAT big, I'd go with a hand held rather than shoulder positioned.  I'm confused by that gun though since the "original" Predator shoulder cannon was featured in the Making of the Creatures featurette.  So what size shoulder gun is going to be used here people?  I think the Elder Predator has an admirable feel to his look.  I also noticed the scar on his forehead.  Nice comic book reference there.  Makes me wonder if Scar predator was given that name because he possibly survives with Lex all the way and earns the ceremonial scar of an Alien hunt.  And the Elder arrives at the end of the movie to intiate the short ceremony to both Scar and Lex.  Although personally i don't think that a human should ever earn the scar.  It should be just among Predators.  If the movie stays related to the comic though, Lex will get the ceremonial scar as well.  I could be all wrong though.  The Elder's scar might be there from one of his battles in his younger years.  It's just to me, with so many simularities between the film and the comics, the "scar" is purely ceremonial.  I would like to see McFarlane create a figure for Lex, the captured Queen, facehuggers, hmmm a chestburster emerging from a Predator?  And of course as I have mentioned previously, the Pred Alien.  All which i think will more than likely appear after the release of the film.  They better.  Damn it.    >:D  



Thanks for clearing that up... and yeah... the extra long blades and massive cannons do look a bit out of place... but hay... they still look cool. And actually, the bigger the gun, the less likely it is to be hand held... like bazookas.... you have to rest them on your shoulders... so maybe thats why its on their shoulders. And cool theory on the scar. Thanks m8.






I already have all of the mcfarlane alien and predator figures, and these new ones look extrealmy cool.  I love how each one comes will a little setting (temple, dead body) And they all look very cool.  I wish they would have made an entirely new figure for the alien and not just a repaint of the AR figure.  How ever if we are lucky. Anderson has told Mcfarlane not to show some secret stuff, like the predalien, or if were REALLY lucky a new queen.  but I am perfectley satisfied with my movie maniacs 6 queen.  and the new hicks figure will be cool too.  WHICH LOOKS BETTER? THE AVP MOVIE FIGURES? OR THE ALIEN AND PREDATOR UPDATED MM6 FIGURES?



  >:D  erm...... darkness?? i dont see my name mentioned..!!!  BuGz!   :-\  



****PLEASE READ*****  i would like to clear something up, the blades on the celtic predator are NORMAL size (perhaps slightly longer), you just have to look very closely in that the large blade is not one of the wrist blades, its a SEPARATE blade attached to the wrist unit. you can see this on the scar and eldar predator also.  take care my friends  Forte Fortuna Adjuvat.......-real pred



Quoteerm...... darkness?? i dont see my name mentioned..!!!
Yeah, I didn\'t check my email until after I posted the news report and when I did, I already knew about it.



Good question AdamJZ.  I have the all of McFarlane's Alien and Predator MM series except the "12 figures, the Dog Alien and the Resurection Alien.   Not to mention the new ones being released in June.  The Alien warrior from Aliens.  All the rest are just a new version of the MM6.  Look for yourself.   I definately like the original Alien, rather than the AR look.  I can't say which queen i like better because we haven't seen if McFarlane even produced an AVP Queen.  The original queen though is also a favorite.    As for the Predators, I'm rather stumped.  My favorite would have to be the original Predator.  I'm not a big fan of the Predator 2 figure.  But now i have the get the June 2004 version just because he comes with the 1715 gun, med kit, and a skull trophy..... GRRRR!  Looking at the AVP Predators, they come in second to the original.  So that's where i stand.  It's was a tough one to answer.  Maybe Darkness should do a pole on your question as to what figures are better.    ;)  



Way to go Growler...I was just about to point out the scar on the Elder's forehead. That is a great reference that all the fanboys and girls (like my girlfriend) would get.  As for the large forearm blades, they do look a little silly but I guess we will just have to see them in action to really judge. Remember these are aliens and not just normal human opponents, so they need more hardcore weapons.  SEE YA.

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