Spawn AvP Figure Photos

Started by Darkness, Apr 16, 2004, 09:37:53 PM

Spawn AvP Figure Photos (Read 23,186 times)


Darkness have just posted pictures of the Alien vs Predator action figures from McFarlane. Featuring images of the ‘Scar’, ‘Elder’ and ‘Celtic’ Predators and also the ‘Battle Grid’ Alien and ‘Battle’ Alien. Here’s some pictures:

Meanwhile, Palisades Toys also announced their AvP line and included two screenshots.

Here’s a few pictures:



Elder Predator



Celtic Predator



Battle Grid Alien



Battle Alien



Palisades Toys – AvP Scar Predator & Grid Alien Polystone Statue





Palisades Toys – AvP Captive Alien Queen Polystone Mini Bust



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  ;D  hi ever 1 its been a long time saw da new stuff and darkness u have done it again keep up da good work avp galaxy rules  long live k the mighty k



Celtic pred looks BAD ASS.



....but I hope the plasma casters are smaller in the movie because it looks awkward as hell.

El Demonio Cazador de Trofeos

El Demonio Cazador de Trofeos

Wow,  the Predators look bad ass...the celtic predator blades are huge!!! as always I'm impressed by the sculpts, unfortunately the quality of McFarlane toys in materials, design, package and poseability gets worse by the minute...that's what happens when your company becomes a monster and the CEO a greedy bastard.... I'd prefer this guys sculpted and produeced by the Four Horsemen studios....too late....  And congratulations to Darkness this site si the BEST!!!!

The Palisades sculpts look great!!! The queen is amazing, the only bad thing about them is the price! hehe!! Palisades Rocks!!!



thanks for these pics darkness i just checked out the spawn website the figures are amazing must say they give away quite a lot but i dont care absolutely awesome

Saint Sinner

Saint Sinner

Check this out. Is this suggesting that Lex will become a Predator like the Machiko Naguchi (sp?) chick in the books?   Spawn.Com's press release on the AVP figures:  "The premise of the film -- that debuts Aug. 13 -- is this: Upon discovering a tunnel leading to an ancient, massive underground pyramid, Lex, a female adventurer/environmentalist, leads a team of explorers on a quest 2,000 feet below the Antarctic surface. The pyramid is a 5,000-year-old training ground for Predators, where they earn their "warrior status" by killing the Aliens, using humans as sacrificial bait. It is here, in the maze of chambers and shifting walls, where she partners with a doomed Predator, becoming a "hunter" herself, when her team is caught up in a fierce battle between the Predators and Aliens."



Thats probobly where paul got the idea

Bringer of Death

Bringer of Death

Wow, the blades this suckers use are rediculously huge as are the plsma casters,they look kind of goofy and yet wicked at the same time to me but mabey its because seeing them like that is a new experience for me.I'll just have to let it sink in a bit I guess.What I am pissed about is the fact that the aliens are like I said just the ones from Alien Resurection but black,I hate that design.They should have used the ones from ALIENS.But I cant wait to see those side arm blades disembowel anything that comes close to them and I also cant wait to see the QUEEN in action again.On the SPAWN web site it has a little statment from Anderson saying that the queen in his movie has double the articulation of the Jurassic Park T-Rex and that is such a leap forward from Camerons Queen that it's the most sophisticated animatronic ever to grace the screen.Damn!As for what it says about Lex becoming a hunter herself I think it just means shell be killing some Alien scum to not that shell be turned into a Predator, But you never know.Now back to looking at these pics.P.S to EL DEMONIO I don't think the Mcfarlane toys are that shit,Thay may not be crazy poseable because there not f**king G I JOEs or somthing like that there made to be displayed not played with like a damn ninja turtle.There like posable models/statues so admire them for what they are not for what they are not there junior.     :D  

Saint Sinner

Saint Sinner

If the toys are a true 100% representation of their movie counterparts, it looks that all three Predators have the "ceremonial" dagger that we have seen (the prop.)  Just look down near their ankles and you'll see them sheethed.  Another thing people seem to be missing, is that the Elder Predator does infact come with a mask. Just look at his shoulder and you'll see that it is attached there.



I love the Elder Pred statue. It symbolizes honor and extreme coolness. I want it.



"WOW"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!! Those spawn AvP photos look so damn cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   ;D     ;D     ;D     ;D     ;D  



HOLY S***        man thos figures look totally bad ass!!!!!

In the second featurette the things they show be fore they show the celtic predators mask are the foot wear that the predator's use    (look on the figures feet and you'llsee what i mean.

El Demonio Cazador de Trofeos

El Demonio Cazador de Trofeos

To Bringer of Death,  I agree and believe me I don't want them for playing, I am a huge action figure collector, and i've been collecting McFarlane's figures over the years but I've really noticed the decrease in quality just to get more licenses, to get a broader market, they don't care anymore about materials and casting, molding and all that shit, I mean, the sculpts are OK but eventhough they are for display they still are action figures, not statues, not busts, but action figures, the Four Horsemen are former McFarlane's sculptors, they actually did the Crow which is one of my favorites, and lately they did Batman an He-man figures wich are the best because eventhough they work great as display and the materials are great, casting and atriculation, even the Palisades Muppets are BETTER action figures than McFarlane's, I mean, the Alien vs Predator boxed set from Movie Maniacs was pretty good, but the whole Alien and Predator series is really crappy, and again I believe the sculpts are OK but as action figures they suck, even as statues, they suck....Palisades or Neca stuff is better, but i'm still happy they're being produced, I just hope they're better quality than the Movie Maniacs series....  by the way I hate GI's too lame.... Hehe so there Junior!    :)  

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

lol i beat you to that news by about 2 or 3 minutes, lol.  They are bery cool figures, love the other stands that come with them!

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