First off, I just want to say that I am not a basher of this film. I am going to give it a chance, and I hope it will be entertaining. But all I heard before was that the AVP project kept being put on hold because of the costs would be tremendous and the technology wasn't available. A movie of this caliber was not possible to make and we would have to wait a while. O.k. fine, I can accept that. But from what I have seen in the "trailers" and the "making of" videos shows me that this movie could have been made back then. What in the world is so different here!? And I know we haven't seen much yet, but still...this stuff could have definitely been made at least five years ago...hell, even ten. This really bothers me. Why the wait?? I want to see grand scale massacre with Aliens, Predators, and Humans fighting everywhere. I don't think this will be that type of film. So my complaint is, why didn't FOX give us this film years ago darn it!!!?