Report on AVP at Starfest

Started by Darkness, Apr 18, 2004, 01:31:11 PM

Report on AVP at Starfest (Read 17,291 times)

Bringer of Death

Bringer of Death

to GALMORZU, I believe that it was in fact Ridely Scott who described that same idea as his plot for ALIEN 5, that the 'Space Jockies' WOULD COME TO EARTH WITH THERE WAR WEAPONS'ALIENS' and seed the earth with there eggs.Sounds pretty sweet to me and also I thought I read some place that Sigoureny mentioned that same kind of story and that we would see the aliens home world again and or were the Space Jickies come from.She also said that she wasn't to interested in coming to earth for part 5 that it would be better to go far far away in space.Well I guees its all riding on whether AVP does well or not to continue with the other single franchises, heres hoping it all goes smoothly   ;D  



Yeah Bringer, that was it.  Thanks.  It's a tough call, because I would really like to see how Ripley's story finishes in the Alien franchise, but at the same time, I'd really like to see another AvP if this one turns out pretty good.



When does the Man of Fire movie comes out because my step mom is going to see it maybe I'll ask here if she sees the AVP trailer.  Usually they will show some trailers that oline in the same factor like for example the movie is rated R or maybe of what kind of movie it is or maybe because its produced by the same company for the making of the movie.  Just giving some suggestions why it will be shown with the Man of Fire movie.



Yeah, I see what you're saying, but it still seems like an odd choice.  Anyway, Man on Fire opens Friday the 23rd.



to Predgirl:: "Being killed by an Alien is much to quick for me make the guy suffer slowly."  Girl, i think i love you.  lol just teasing.  My whole point there was to trip him to slow down the Alien.  I don't care how fast he dies, just as long as he stays alive enough to keep the Alien busy from chasing me lol.    To Aliminator:: Alright, i admit, I'm 26.  And I do at least sleep in the basement of my parents place ONLY when i go back to my hometown on vacations.  Which is mainly once a year.  Where I'm stationed at, I live on my own.  I started living on my own as soon as i turned 18.  Nothin beats it. I'm not offended, i'm just setting my story straight.  I've been a fan of Predator since it came out in '87.  I wasn't really a fan of Alien till I saw Aliens.  When the vs. comics came out i was then hooked.  Not obsessively hooked, but into it like I'm into football.  I've waited a long time for this movie like everyone else on this site.  Since my days in high school when i was your age.  And that's my story.  Damn, i got all personal about myself and shit.  How the hell?  lol    ???    I'm anti-STAR WARS by the way.    ;)  



Hey ya mumma Not a chance mate. A pred is just a big strong human he lacks the speed required to take an alien in close combat with only a wrist blade. You wouldnt see Danny glover killing no aliens with a pred disk. Pred is good but alien is the ultimate.



A Predator isn't a human, Shaneus. And the Predator is the ultimate not the Aliens. Also I will admit like you did with the Predators, Aliens are good, but Predators are the best. What I just said is 100% true.

Interesting Point

Interesting Point

First off, I just want to say that I am not a basher of this film.  I am going to give it a chance, and I hope it will be entertaining.  But all I heard before was that the AVP project kept being put on hold because of the costs would be tremendous and the technology wasn't available.  A movie of this caliber was not possible to make and we would have to wait a while.  O.k. fine, I can accept that.  But from what I have seen in the "trailers" and the "making of" videos shows me that this movie could have been made back then.  What in the world is so different here!?  And I know we haven't seen much yet, but still...this stuff could have definitely been made at least five years ago...hell, even ten.  This really bothers me.  Why the wait??  I want to see grand scale massacre with Aliens, Predators, and Humans fighting everywhere.  I don't think this will be that type of film.  So my complaint is, why didn't FOX give us this film years ago darn it!!!?

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